- Intoxication Craves Distress -

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Warning: This chapter briefly included topics that may make readers uncomfortable, such as implications of abuse, implications of sexual assault/non-consensual sex, and victim distress. Please read with caution !

The next morning felt like it rushed by no matter how early Jeongguk had ultimately decided to stop studying last night, it still felt as though the night flew by like any other night he didn't sleep for the night. As the sun rose and his alarm neared Jeongguk tossed and turned underneath his blanket wishing he could sleep a bit longer. His body was so used to waking up at 6 in the morning that he would frequently find himself waking up a few minutes before his alarm even sounded. It had become acclimatized into him.

The exasperating sound from his alarm obstructed the hitherto tranquil atmosphere. Jeongguk sat up in his bed sighing slightly staring off into space taking in his surroundings understanding where he was. After he finally took in his surroundings fully he sighed heavily getting up to get dressed, he didn't have class for today but he had a lot of errands to run. He had to buy groceries, wash the clothes in the hamper, clean the rooms, and take Yeontan for a walk. The collage had a strict no pets policy but Taehyung got an exception since he told them Yeontan was an emotional support animal. Though he wasn't the college didn't pry too deep into it other than asking for paper work which Taehyung bought online and made Jeongguk pay for.

Unlike his owner, Yeontan was a very sweet pup. He usually stayed in Taehyung's room when Taehyung was at home or he'd scamper around the dorm sometimes running into Jeongguk's room to hang out with him. Taehyung made it clear it was Jeongguk's responsibility to walk Yeontan and take him out though he wasn't his pet. He didn't mind it honestly, he enjoyed spending time with Yeontan and buying him treats occasionally, he'd even stop and get him a pup-cup when he decided he wanted to pick up a caffeine boost.

Hauling himself out of bed officially, Jeongguk got up and headed to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth for the morning. He lathered and coated his face with the cleansing soap closing his eyes as he massaged his face with small circular motions all around his face. Once the cleansing soap had set for about half an hour, Jeongguk turned on the warm water leaning over the bathroom sink cupping the water with his hands beginning to rinse the soap from his skin. When the suds were fully rinsed away, the brunette rook a soft cloth and gently dabbed his face to dry up the excessive water.

Following that, he opened the bathroom cabinet reaching up to retrieve his matt black electric toothbrush along with his toothpaste. He knew that Taehyung used his toothpaste as well, he wasn't too upset about it however since it was for hygiene purposes. Jeongguk make sure to make a mental note to pick up more toothpaste when he went out. He applied the toothpaste to bristles of the toothbrush after running it under the water to dampen it a bit. Brushing his teeth with circular motions making sure he brushed the sides and roof of his mouth as well as his tongue.

After a few times of brushing and spitting the brunette rinsed with mouthwash, filling his mouth half way with water, swishing it around before spitting it into the sink. Running water in the sink once more time, Jeongguk make sure to sanitize the bowl placing the brush back in the cabinet after drying the bristles, placing the strong mint infused paste back along with it. Jeongguk returned to his bedroom to dress himself, to go out for the morning. His style vastly differentiated from the style most students in the college wore, he was really into the Y2K style and most of his wardrobe reflected that obsession.

Frisking through his closet the brunette fished out a pair of green parachute pants laying them down on his bed. Pairing the pants with a cropped long sleeve smock layering that on top of a black tight fitting tank top. He dressed himself up slightly pulling the pants down a little where the top of his Calvin Klein boxers were shown a bit. It wasn't for the purpose of being scandalous, it was just apart of the look.

Pairing the outfit with a pair of beige, white, and black tri-colored Nike shoes with ankle socks. For his accessories the brunette settled with a few necklaces stacking them on top of one another, paired with his white pair of headphones he'd decorated with his initials and a few doodles to give them more personality. Jeongguk stood in front of the full body mirror hanging on the back of his room door, double checking his appearance making sure his outfit of the day was to his standards,

Finally he grabbed his wallet stuffing it into his pocket pulling his phone off of the charger placing it in his left pocket. The male then headed into Taehyung's room smiling gently once the Pomeranian pup ran to him, Jeongguk grabbed Yeontan's leash and carrier for the car though he often just let Yeontan lay in the passenger's seat. He never actually sued the leash on Yeontan since he was always well behaved, though he was Taehyung's pet Yeontan proved to have a pure heart and listened well to commands when he wanted to.

Jeongguk lead Yeontan out of the bedroom, closing the door behind himself knowing Taehyung would throw a fit if he left his door open. The two headed to the front door to head out for the day, Jeongguk made sure he scanned the living room again making sure everything was still in order before he unlocked the door and he walked down the corridor with Yeontan sticking close beside him. Music filled his ears, emitting from the headphones he wore to combat the silent walk that was only interrupted by Yeontan's scampering paws and occasional pants and yapping.

Upon arriving at his car Jeongguk opened the door letting Yeontan jump in first, seating himself in the driver's seat behind the wheel once the pup was situated. He placed the carrier in the back seat closing the car door once he was done starting the engine afterwards. Pulling out of his parking space his first destination was to pay the bills, since they were still in college the bills weren't too outstanding but the college still made them pay as a way to prepare them for what to expect when living on their own. Or so that's the excuse they used, Jeongguk was pretty sure they just wanted extra money on top of the outrageous tuition they were required to pay each semester.

Thanks to his part-time job and the money he'd saved up for a while he was more than capable to pay the bills. On top of that his parents still gave him an allowance, if you could even call it that. His parents were very overprotective of Jeongguk they wanted him to have everything so they often wired him lump sums of money for his living expenses. Though he rarely used it on himself. He made the first stop by the house office to pay the bills including electric, gas, and water which all came out to about $400 or so for the month. Jeongguk was pleasantly surprised by the amount for the month, it was still pretty high for only 2 people living in the dorm but compared to last month's bill he was grateful for that alone.

After the bills were the groceries. The nearest grocery store wasn't too far from the dorms fortunately enough for Jeongguk, since he really wasn't up for a long drive. Traffic wasn't too bad it was actually rather calm for today, he was pretty sure it was because it was still pretty early in the day. He expected the parking lot of the store to be just as unlively since it seemed like most of the town were either already at work or still at home. Either way he really hoped there wasn't a lot of people in the store, he wasn't the best with socializing as he got older it became a struggle for him to hold basic conversations with people. He used to socialize easily as a child but as he got older and life started to speed by him faster he began feeling like he was slowing down compared to people around him.

He pulled into a vacant parking space turning the car engine off opening the door to get out. Yeontan hopped out of the car after Jeongguk himself, while the brunette grabbed the leash just in case he needed to put the pup on a leash while in the store. Though he didn't think he would have to, since the sleek dangling badge inscribed with the emotional support animal emblem accompanied with the small Pomeranian's name just beneath symbol. In most places he took Yeontan many of the personnel oftentimes cared more about rhapsodizing over diminutive pup.

Jeongguk carried Yeontan across the street until they were in the store setting him down to let him walk on his own. He would ordinarily be solicitous about taking pets into stores, but with Yeontan he knew it wouldn't be an issue because of how well trained he proved to be. The shopping list consisted of the basic broad categories; Things for Taehyung. Food for Yeontan. Things for Jeongguk that Taehyung would take from him either way. He started with things that Taehyung preferred since he wanted to get the hard part of shopping out of the way before he started on the rest.

The list was pretty simple it, however just comprised of a slew of unconventional products. Starting with the unrefrigerated options so the cold items didn't get too warm while he shopped. Jeongguk began with the basic snack foods Taehyung requested in the house. Ramen, chips, and other corresponding snacks that fell into that category. Taehyung often ate ramen three to four times in a singular day, and snacked on chips and other salty snacks while he played his games and when he pretended to try to study.

Piling a few different flavors or ramen and chips into the cart picking out a few new snacks he surmised Taehyung would enjoy. While he was in the section he also grabbed his one snacks since it would've been unconventional to grab everything else just to return to a section he'd already been in previously. The next stop were the treats and food for Yeontan, along with some shampoo for bathing him and new towels for both them and their flocculent canine companion.

Yeontan was a bit picky when it came to the food he ate, it was almost as if he could tell which products were cheaper than the rest. That's one thing he has in common with his owner. Though that didn't bother Jeongguk honestly he really liked taking care of Yeontan, he was a very sweet dog and never gave Jeongguk a hard time. So giving him a slightly more expensive brand of dog food wasn't too challenging for the brunette. Yeontan's exuberant yapping happened to also become a large factor into why Jeongguk wasn't too discomposed about the situation.

Jeongguk made sure to grab additional treats for the pooch, heading over to the hygiene aisle to grad a few new tubes of toothpaste and some new toothbrushes along with his face and skin care. In addition he picked up some shampoo and body wash for himself but also for Taehyung knowing he'd probably begun to run out or close to it. Despite his deplorable manners and actions, Taehyung proved to he was very adamant about his hygiene care.

The brunette couldn't be too upset about it either, at least he wasn't unfortunate enough to have a shitty roommate that also smelled shitty.

With all of the unrefrigerated items in his cart Jeongguk finally made his way to the frozen sections. He was the only one that actually cooked in the house, Taehyung wasn't into cooking let him tell it. The most he did in the kitchen was make a mess, boil water for ramen, and leave empty snack bags around on the countertops. Jeongguk decided to get more frozen meats to cook in hopes the meals he made would last a bit longer if he made large meals with decently sized proportions.

Now that the physical shopping was finished and all paid for, he loaded the bags into the trunk of his car, afterwards placing the softer insubstantial items in the back seat to prevent the more durable items from pulverizing them. The shopping was done and he'd already paid their bills for the month, now all that was left to do was putting everything away at the dorm properly and washing their clothes.

The drive back to the dorms wasn't very eventful the traffic was laidback still and he made it back within a couple of minutes even when he stopped by a coffee shop to get a drink and a pup-cup for Yeontan. Jeongguk may not have seem like the strongest person but he was a master when it came to taking all the bags into the house in one trip, call it laziness if you will but for him it was the most convenient way to avoid multiple trips when he didn't have to do them.

Back in the dorm room he set the bags down on the couches noticing the pair of shoes stationed near the front door that hadn't been there when he left. That meant he was back. Yeontan ran around the room barking happily presumably also realizing Taehyung had been in the dorm. Jeongguk sighed deeply deciding it was best if he just silently put the groceries away instead of going out of his way to run into Taehyung. His day had been going well so far much better than all of the previous days, he wasn't masochistic enough to actively seek Taehyung's wrath.

It took him just about half an hour give or take a few to put everything away, he kept out Taehyung's favorite chips deciding it was best to just give it to him since he knew he'd want them as soon as he spotted them in the house. Before he did that, he padded over to the bathroom picking up the clothes hamper tossing them into the washer, pouring the powdered washing powder they used into the washer.

Once he closed the lid he set the washing machine to an hour opting to use ego-warm water instead of the other available settings pressing the start button to lock and start the machine. Now it was time for him to actually, unfortunately speak to Taehyung. He really didn't want to but he also didn't want to deal with his vulgar attitude if he didn't hand deliver them. Jeongguk fought with himself on whether he really wanted to walk into the lion's den on his own free will, thinking it would be the best option once again.

Standing in front of the paint coated wooden door Jeongguk could hear his heart beat drowning out the sounds in the real world from the anticipation. It felt like slow motion, his hand moving from his side up to the face of the door. He held his breath finally brining himself to knock on the door.

There was shuffling around the room from behind the closed door, it sounded more like someone was walking around blind folded after spinning around on a merry-go-round for 30 minutes. Jeongguk wasn't sure what was happening on the other side of the door, a part of him was curious about it but knowing his luck it was better for him not to wonder too far.

Within the next moments the door swung open bestowing upon him a sight he'd not soon forget.

The bedraggled mess of brunette hair, begrimed and matted while strands of hair sticked out in every which way. His eyes emerged glossed over almost as if he were unable to see clearly with the way they appeared, and he reeked of liquor and alcohol. Jeongguk could tell just by the waft of alcohol pervaded air, a smell that made him sick.

He pushed aside his discomfort wanting to get away from the room and the room's owner as soon as he was able to. The sober of the two, extended out his hand in which he held a bag of chips in his clutch. Jeongguk swallowed harshly feeling uncomfortable around Taehyung whilst he was under the influence.

"Here, I picked these up from the store today. I figured you would probably want me to give them to you," his voice was small and imbued with a sense of perturbation. The feeling of uneasiness only penetrated itself deeper into him once Taehyung staggered closer to him. The brunette stumbled backwards from the mere movement of the older getting closer to him, feeling uneasy.

Time felt like he slowed down, once Taehyung's hands reached out in Jeongguk's direction. The large hands completely overlooked the bag that was presented for him instead roughly planting themselves on the younger's shoulders. Jeongguk flinched at the vise-like grip.

The inebriated amongst the two had an unsettling expression plastered across his face, sending a cold shiver up Jeongguk's spine immediately. "You shouldn't dress like this you know Jeongguk-ah," his voice slurred each word laced with the strong scent of booze. Jeongguk squirmed in his grasp but to no avail of breaking free from Taehyung's strong hold.

Even when intoxicated he proved much stronger than Jeongguk. "I'm, I'm sorry.. I w-won't..uh.. wear, wear clothes like these anymore.." he spoke hastily. His body began to tense up and his heart began pounding against his ribcage while a strong tingling sensation took over his hands and legs.

"Then let me help you," Taehyung's deep voice filled his ears followed by the swift movements of his hands ripping apart the fabric of Jeongguk's top. Everything felt like it happened so quickly that Jeongguk was unable to physically stop it, his heart began pounding at an alarming pace.

Jeongguk felt like he was unable to move, before he could physically react Taehyung had pushed him into his bedroom locking the room door in a swift motion. Taehyung stalked closer towards Jeongguk.

A strong sense of horror and distress washed over Jeongguk like it was hit by a sudden typhoon. He started hyperventilating, feeling trapped physically, mentally, and emotionally. In swift motion he was cornered, trapped by the buff strong inebriated male. He felt small but not in a good way.

He was forced to his knees with a rough motion that would inevitable cause lesion. Jeongguk's eyes swelled with a a burning sensation prickling at his waterline, the steamy fluid streamed down his cheeks uncontrollably. The brunette shook his head begging, pleading with the drunk Hyung. His hands pressed up against his thighs trying to push him away from himself.

It was no use, Taehyung although under the influence of alcohol was still stronger than Jeongguk was, standing his ground teetering at the most from pleading whimpering male's attempts.

Taehyung observed Jeongguk's panic with no clear signs of hesitance or remorse. His hands traveled down to his towards his trousers pulling the strap of his leather belt, peeling the end tip back letting the prong slip from the punch hole.

Jeongguk pushed against him harder the further he progressed undoing his belt, he became more distressed the more he realized the situation he was in. Bawling harder the more the moment continued he restored to using his feet to kick Taehyung away.

His actions affected Taehyung little if at all, as he pulled the belt off completely throwing it behind him. The belt clashing with the wall echoing a sudden loud thud through the room. Jeongguk's eyes filled repeatedly with hot steamy tears he had to blink away from the burning stinging sensation they caused.

Taehyung's slacks fell down accompanied by his boxers. His hand reached out latching onto Jeongguk's locks firmly, jolting his head forward as he squirmed and cried harder. When the head of Taehyung's member attempted to take advantage of the younger's cries and screams forcing the meaty girth into his mouth.

Jeongguk shook his head profusely flinching hard as he noticed Taehyung raise his hand colliding with the younger's soft cheek, and the vise-like grip on his locks tighten roughly. "Be good, and it'll be over soon yeah?" he spoke with a belittling mocking tone. Jeongguk sobbed continuously as he closed his eyes tight wishing it wasn't happening, he just wanted it to be over as he listened to Taehyung's perverted requests. "Since you like wearing girly clothes so much. Go ahead, suck it like a good girl." he egged on. Those eight words dropped Jeongguk's self-esteem lower than it already had been, squeezing his lids tighter as he felt Taehyung start moving.

Disclaimer: The next chapter will include heavy sexual content with details, this content may make some readers uncomfortable please read with caution. The following chapter will include non-consensual sex, force, feminization, slight physical abuse, gore, and self harm. Please be advised.

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