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This isnt a oneshot. This is a whole story. It just starts put with whatever comes to mind

I know what the song implies. In my AU harry has been sexually touched. So hes projecting on that AND the fact hes more than the "boy who lived// "im more than, im more than, my body~"

Please please PLEASE check out the song. Its called body by jorden Suaste Its great. Along with any other songs harry may sing, it depends on where im taking this.

There are no ships,

TW: Dumbledore bashing. Lockhart bashing.Ron weasley, Hermione, and ginny bashing. Heromione gets redemption though.

Most of the teachers care for harry. Most students become a little protective. Slytherins also realize who harry truly is. Draco, blaise,  pansy, fred and George, become self-appointed 'bodyguards'

More than What he seems. Hp fanficWhere stories live. Discover now