Peter Pan often wandered through England, flying over the houses and through the towns. He would search long and far for a certain type of person—someone he could bring back with him to Neverland—his home. Such a place gave boys eternal youth, as the stories say. But of course, Neverland was no safe haven. Truth be told, Pan was the only one who would never grow old, the others weren't as lucky.
The boys he took with him to Neverland remained with the curse of aging. Because of this, he had no choice but to kill them. Every lost boy he took he killed because it disgusted him. The scared boys, who were usually deprived of love, were taken and put to death once they began to blossom into men. What did it mean to be a man? Pan thought much of this, and he was obsessed. It was nothing but an ultimatum to him, he would have to have a family, a job, and bills, or be an excuse of a man without them. He would never get to dream, explore, or play again. He didn't want to witness boys continue the bottomless pit of aging and responsibility, maybe he thought he was doing them a favor by delivering their death to them.
It wasn't until one day, he met a very different boy.
Pan was flying through Northern England, as he often did. He was peeking through the windows of houses, searching for new lostboys. He came upon a large brick house with beautiful pane glass windows. Peering inside, he saw a bedroom—one with a boy not looking a day older than 15 resting in bed. The bed had white and pink satin sheets, along with comfortable frilly pillows to match it. The boy had dark brown hair, falling on his forehead as wispy bangs. It was nice hair, Pan thought, as he continued to admire the rest of his person. His skin was nice, and he possessed pink supple lips to match—being slightly parted in his state of sleep. Should I wake him? Pan thought. He looked so innocent and at peace.
He thought about taking him back to Neverland. He wondered what adventures they could have together, it was exciting. When he wakes lost boys up, they're either confused or enthralled by him—being that he was able to fly and dressed like he lived in a tree. And, to be fair, he did live in a tree. His tree had a secret dwelling underneath, and was accessed by a secret make shift door.
Pan sat on his bed, and trailed his finger down his cheek—choosing to wake him. He fluttered his eyes open and soon became startled. He sat up under his covers, alarmed, and asked, "Who are you?" Pan looked at him in his eyes, and began to answer. "My name's Pe-" "How did you get in here, what are you even doing in my room?" Being interrupted by more questioning from the boy, Pan smiled and finished saying his name. "I come from Neverland, have you heard of it?" He was met with a blank stare. But he began to speak after a brief moment of processing, "Are you some kind of creep? What kid sneaks into people's houses claiming they come from Neverland?" Quite the accusation, Pan thought.
In response he began to fly. He started by hovering over the bed in a sitting position, "I'm just some kid huh?" He was met with more blank staring, except the boys mouth was totally agape this time. He then spun upside down, staring down at him, "Hm?" Pan wanted him to talk. The boy responded, "How do you do that???" "Am I dreaming" Pan flew closer to him, becoming face to face. He brushed the hair out of his eyes with his fingers and said, "I can show you if you'd like," and then he charmingly asked for his name. The boy responded and said, "It's Will."
Pan briefly smiled and then took his hand. He said, "Think happy thoughts." as it helped with the flying, and lifted him into the air. Pan noticed his frame, he was skinny and tall. Not taller than him though. "How old are you?" Pan asked. "I turned sixteen yesterday," Will answered, while being completely shocked at what was happening to him.