C h a p t e r 1

122 1 0

You were sitting in class, bored as hell. Mrs. Deer Teacher was asking about people who did all these.. first things? And of course, the class genius, Kiff Chatterly, answered all of them correctly. You hated her, but kind of.. maybe liked her too.

"How'd you remember all those people who did all those first things?" Barry asked as him and Kiff walked out.

"Because," Kiff started, "they are going to be my future peers!"

And of course, you heard her singing in the hallway. You had to admit that her voice was adorable though. So squeaky and.. oh crap, you were late for your next class.

You quickly got up, grabbing your backpack and walking to Helen's class. You fucking hated her but you got to see Kiff acting. But she was always with Barry, and though you knew they were just friends, it still annoyed you.

You just moved on, and went to Helen's class.

《Ik this is fucking short, but it's like 3am and I'm ✨️ t i r e d ✨️ 》

♤Predator and Prey♤ Kiff x fen!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now