C h a p t e r ✨️ 2 ✨️

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It was the end of the school day and you just went straight home. But while on the bubble (idfk what it's called if you want the show you'll know what I'm talking about), you saw Kiff. She wasn't with Barry, which was weird.

You walked up to her and put a hand on her arm, "Hey, where's Barrington?" You asked and she turned to you.

"Oh, he had to go home quicker because of something with family." She spoke as her tail drooped down on the floor.

You wrapped your tail around hers, purring slightly to try to cheer her up. Her ears went up and she smiled.

"Thanks. I never got your name, by the way. I'm K-"

"I know your name, Kiff. I'm Y/n."

"Oh. Well, since Barry can't today, wanna come to my place?"

You blushed slightly and nodded. The bubble got to land and you both got out, and she led you to her house.

¤《I have decided that I'm going to make these chapters short just so that I can get them out quicker♡》¤

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2023 ⏰

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