I Swear [Muichiro Tokito]

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✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧

~I Swear 💜Muichiro Tokito x Female Reader

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~I Swear 💜
Muichiro Tokito x Female Reader

What better way to start off this book than with this chapter. Behold! Take two of my first ever Demon Slayer oneshot!


✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧

As soon as I saw you, I swore to the Heavens and Earth that you would be mine— in one way or another, and I would cherish everything that is you until the day I die.

The snap of a finger interrupted the Mist Pillar's thoughts as he was then face to face with the Insect Pillar.

"You're dozing off again Tokito~" She neatly wrapped a bandage around the younger swordman's arm and patted his shoulder, "Thinking about (Last Name) again?"


Shinobu could only giggle at his confused expression and handed him a framed picture of you and your fellow female Pillars.

"Ah..(Last Name)...I was thinking about her."

"Why don't you two start dating?"

Muichiro couldn't put his reasoning into words. But he had this nagging feeling that dating you was a privilege that he did not deserve.


"Why not?"

"I...I don't know.."

Her purple irises stared at two turquoise ones as she sighed, holding out her pinky finger for the man to take, "Swear to me then."

He linked his own pinky with hers, "Swear to you what?"

"Swear to me that you will at least confess."

Muichiro entwined his fingers with the (hair color) haired woman and felt satisfied and relieved that you accepted his avow.

"Thank you (Last Name)."

"Oh please Muichiro, you let me call you by your first name. Why don't you start to call me by my first name as well."

He was surprisingly shy about something as small as title addressing. Muichiro turned his head away from yours as you leaned over to try and get a glimpse of his embarrassed expression. A soft smile displayed on your face as you stuck your pinky finger out in front of him. He took ahold of it, finally turning around to face you again.

"Swear to me that you won't be so shy around us soon, Mui."

At the sound of his nickname, the teal haired boy melted and fell for you all over again.

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