Chapter 1

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A girl, named Amy, runs down a road

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A girl, named Amy, runs down a road. Heavily breathing, she makes her way towards the gated area where her escape route was, before a soldier stops her.

The guard points his gun towards her. "Identify as human!"

Amy pants as she tries catching her breath.

"Where the hell'd you come from?" He asks as he approaches her with a temperature check.

"Long Beach, I gave up my seat." Amy says.

"That's gotta be twenty klicks! Through them?" He eyes the zombies approaching.

Amy turns around as she walks inside. The guard instantly starts aiming at the zombies making their way over to them.

"Can't catch me." Amy says.

Meanwhile, somewhere in a bathroom.

PSA SYSTEM: Attention evacuees. Do not shout. Do not run. Do not push.

Some guy, named Ryan, dumps some stuff out of a suitcase and grabs a keychain that says 'big bro'

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Some guy, named Ryan, dumps some stuff out of a suitcase and grabs a keychain that says 'big bro'. He looks up at the bathroom mirror as he takes a deep breath.

"Okay, showtime."

He looks over and sees a fire extinguisher. He grabs the hat and the fire extinguisher as he rushes out the bathroom.

"Fire Department! Out of the way!"

Meanwhile in a line right outside gate 03. A small earthquake shake causes the people in line to freak out.

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