Wolf Pack

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From behind a broken wall appeared my friend Jake accompanied by Aria the earth wolf. They walked casually up to me and Jake sat down on the rock next to me and Aria sat in front of us.

"Looks like you're in deep shit." Jake said as he looked around.

"Thanks for your support and calming words." I sarcastically replied.

"There's a meeting tonight with all The Powers. Your presence is required."

"Well let's get going then, where's Fango?"

"He's on his way, just give him a little more time."

Aria's plant marks along her back glowed brilliant green, as she lifted her left paw from the ground and a blue rose emerged. Jake grabbed my hand and asked quietly, "did you start the fire?"

I pulled my hand away, "of course not! It was the Luminaries! I would never set fire to my home! You know I would never use my powers inside kingdom walls!"

"Sorry, it's just I needed to know."

He doesn't trust me, he never has. We're supposed to be teammates, the Guardians of Kingslum. We're supposed to stick together. We will never be able to protect a whole country if we don't get along.

A strong gust of wind swirled around us and Fango appeared. "Hey guys, sorry I'm late. Let's go."

We all took our wolf forms. Jake had a dark blue coat, tail of water and a small mohawk of water on the top of his head. Fango had a whitish silver coat with a small set of silver wings. My coat is black, with fire from the top of my head to the bottom of my tail.

We ran off towards the middle of Kingslum, northwest of us. Fango flew above us, his wings giving us a nice breeze, but i had to move farther forward from him because I kept flickering.

As we arrived to the Powers Head Quarters, I saw a few fairies fly in and an ogre trying to fit through a door. A couple of giants stood over the magnificent gold building without a roof. As we passed a couple of wizards they shouted at us, "I hope they're house broken! Stupid mangy muts!"

I stopped and turned my head towards them and breathed fire at them. They swatted at the fire trying to put it out, i laughed.

"Come on Zenovia, they're not worth it." Fango called back at me. I ran up and joined them as we found our seats near the front of the hall. Everyone was just sitting around talking to one another. I was sitting to the right of Fango, who had Aria to his left and Jake on the other side of her. Aria and Jake were talking to eachother and Fango was distracted by a piece of fluff in the air.

I sneezed and my flames shot up on my back causing the centaur behind me to get a small flame on his beard. He swatted it and easily put it out, then he huffed at me with a grudge. I turned back to face the front and saw my pack laughing at what i had just done.

Fango nudge me and jerked his head to the left side of the room. The wizards i burned just walked in and sat down on the other side if the isle. They still had burn marks on their robes. One sent me a dirty look and another tried to throw a ball of water at me but i ducked out if the way and stuck my tongue out at him.

Jake leaned past Aria and Fango and scolded me, " Zenovia, stop being such a trouble maker all the time."

"My father was just kidnapped I'm just trying to get my mind off of it. Stop being such a party pooper."

That quieted him down.

A fairy was buzzing around Aria's head. Aria swatted at it but it kept flying around. She just grew a fairy trapping plant and caught the fairy in it. Aria chuckled at her own genius and then opened the plant and set the fairy free.

There sure was a lot of commission going on. Fairies were buzzing around, dwarfs were singing, and the invisibles were pulling pranks on everyone. No one even noticed when the leaders walked in and took their seats in the front, facing everyone.

The Element Queen sat in the center with a dress of what the planet looked like from space. The King of Monsters sat down on the Queens right he was only a Cyclops but by far the scariesr and ugliest looking creature anyone has ever laid on eyes on. The Prince of Death was to the Queen's left, he's a skeleton with an old warriors uniform on.

Only the two front rows seemed to notice their arrival and they quieted down. The rest of the building and those watching from where the roof should go continued to talk.

The Queen made eye contact with Jake and nodded at him. He stood up walked to the middle of the space between the leaders and the powers. Jake turned to face the powers and howled as loud as he could. Once everyone looked at him and quieted down he went back to his seat and sat down.

"Thank you Jake." The Queen smiled.

The King stood up, "Now, you are all probably wondering what we summoned you here for-"

"We all know why!" A Phenox flew up in protest, "Zenovia is a traitor! She set fire to her own kingdom!"

"I would never do any harm to my kingdom! Why would I? And why would I have any need to kidnap my own father?!?" I stood up and argued with the Phoenix.

The king banged on the table trying to silence everyone. We all turned.

"No! Our topic of decision tonigh is much more important." The king announced.

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