Multiculrural Day

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Narrators POV (I suppose IDK)
Today was the last day of term 3 and James and Alex had been going out for a good 2 months. As Alex was chosen to be apart of the Chinese part of the day she got to wear a traditional Chinese dress but when Alex could see James in the audience with the rest of the school she got more nervous that she already was for James to see her in a dress. as Alex walked down the slopping hill she held her fan up in front of her face so no-one would recognise her but James did and once her found her he kept pointing an talking to his friends.

Alex's POV
I could just briefly make out what James was saying to his friends while pointing over at me. So I hid my face behind my traditional Chinese fan so hopefully if I was blushing no-one would see.

James' POV
Alex just looked so beautiful wearing that dress it just lightly showed off her curves which I knew she didn't like and thought she could be skinnier but what girl doesn't and I like the way she is. Angus quickly pulled me back Into reality as he was asking me which one was the gorgeous girl (those were the words I used to describe her). But when I pointed to her he didn't think the same way of her as I did.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2015 ⏰

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