the volleyball tournement

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Thursday is the day of the big interschool cup volleyball tournament.

Since Monday Alex has fallen head over heels for James, this was her chance to impress him although they weren't in the same team but they're fields were almost all next to each other.

On the bus ride back Alex sat with her other friend Anna in the first row and James sat with his friend Bailey behind them in the second row. Earlier that day when all of the games had finished Bailey kept implying that James and Alex should go out. Alex kept saying no and James just stood quiet. Back to the bus ride, After the group had stopped at macca's for a special treat, Bailey kept forcing James to ask Alex out he finally did and she playfully kept saying no.

Back at school

After every one had left there were only four, which was Alex, James, Austin and Abbie. It was an awkward but fun wait for them, they played tiggy and talked until Austin and Abbie went home then there was only the two of them. Alex and James kept talking with what they were already talking about until James once again asked if Alex would go out with him she said she wasn't sure and she'll give him a definite answer tomorrow. Then to break the tension between them Gus came ( one of James' friends), as James and Gus were talking Alex jumped up got her bag and went to the pathway in front of the street to wait for her mum. Being that they were almost going out James grabbed his stuff and went to her and Gus went because he was still talking to James. Alex made a comment on what Gus was saying that's when Alex's mum pulled in to the curb but when Alex got in she called for James' attention and she said "remember what you asked me on the bus''

"Yes'' said James

"Well maybe'' she said

Then Alex closed the door and her mum drove off up the street.


(M=mum A=Alex)

M "what was that about''

A "nothing it was just something he said''

(After nagging Alex gave up and told her mother)

A "ok fine I'll tell you he wanted to know if he could go out with.'' I got rudely interrupted by mum

M "You no no no no we won't be having you and him together no no no no''

A " NO MUM!!!!, I shouted (she swurved) I was going to say, he wanted to know if he could go out with my friend and since she said she likes him I said maybe on her behalf because that's not a no or a yes.''


Hope you gurls and guys like this book comment if you do i know im not the best writter in the world so i'd like to se what you think

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