Chapter 1

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    The wind whipped past me as I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, weaving through the trees as nimbly as a doe. There was a light up ahead, breaking through the thick foliage. Daylight. So close...I was so close to freedom that I almost laughed  with relief.

    But I wasn't out of the woods yet. I could hear them close behind me, their footfalls echoing in my ears like gunfire. I sprinted the last few feet, bursting through the treeline and into the sunlight that promised freedom when suddenly, the ground beneath my feet gave way to empty air.

    As I plummeted off the cliff's edge, I caught sight of the raging sea below, quickly growing closer and closer. I opened my mouth to scream, but before any sound could escape, my mouth and lungs filled with seawater. The sound of the rushing water flew past my ears, filling my head with a deafening roar.

    My fingers clawed at my throat, my mouth, my chest, jagged nails scraping against too thin skin, lungs aching for the tiniest breath of air. My skirts became heavy with the weight of the water, and I realized with horrid lucidity that i was slowly beginning to sink. My feet kicked and failed wildly, desperate to propel my body, now heavy as lead,  back to the surface. I was exhausted from the mad dash to safety, and had little energy left to fight against the harsh ocean current. Before my vision completely darkened, a dark figure began to take shape in the water, swimming towards me. Which is worse, I thought to myself, drowning or being eaten alive by whatever sea monster comes my way?

    Before I could come to a decision, my vision faded to black, and I lost consciousness.


    I was staring at the face of death. The grim reaper's long dark hair fell around my face, his dark eyes burning into me like the coals of a smothered fire. He spoke, his voice like a soft embrace, floating through the thick fog in my mind. The words themselves, however, didn't quite reach my ears. He leaned in close, pressing his warm lips against mine, perhaps too firmly to call it a lover's caress. This is is it, the kiss of death. He has come to take me to the underworld.

    Suddenly all at once I was coughing, water sputtering from my lungs and past my lips. I retched, emptying the water from my stomach onto the beach, chest heaving as I struggled to finally take in a deep breath. I spit onto the sand, the saltwater leaving a bad taste on my tongue, as if I had been chewing seaweed and fish scales. My throat burned with every breath but the pain reassured me that I was alive.

    "Are you alright miss?"

    It was then I remembered his presence. The man I had likened to death in corporeal form. I blinked up at him, unsure of what to say.  I was not alright; I had nearly drowned, my feet were blistered and bare, I had not eaten in three days, and the worst pursuers would surely come looking for me soon.

    He mustve seen the frightened look that surely flashed across my face, for without saying another word, he slid his arms beneath me, scooped me  up into his arms, and began to carry me down the beach. I was soaked, I realized, and even the hot July sun could not warm me fast enough to keep my teeth from chattering. The stranger only held me closer as a shiver chased the length of my spine.


    When I next awoke I found myself in an unfamiliar place, but the gentle rocking motion led me to believe I was aboard a ship of some kind. I was dry and warm, but confused. Sitting up in the small bed I took survey of my surroundings. The room was tiny, but comfortable, with the single bed pushed into the corner to make it appear more spacious. There was a small desk against the far wall, complete with paper, pen, and ink. A chest sits at the foot of the bed, most likely for storing clothes. I also took notice of my feet, now bandaged where they had been cut and blistered.

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