Chapter 4

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The next morning I was awoken to a cacophony of commotion. The crew was shouting, relaying orders to one another in a shorthand I was not familiar with. Panic filled me, tightening my chest with an anxiety I knew all too well. I flung open the door to my cabin, wildly looking around for the cause of the racket. I was able to stop one of the crew as they went passed the door, and he informed me they were preparing to dock at Linia Bay.

A bright grin alighted my features, and I hurried up to the top deck, eager to see the port city before us. I leaned against the ship's wooden railing, taking in the bustling town we neared. It was larger than any place I had ever seen, although I knew it was small in comparison to some of the other ports on the mainland. The center of the town was alive with activity, shop owners and inn keepers rushing to open for the day. The outskirts of town contained the more residential areas, and I admired the beautiful houses that spread out from the town's center. Although I knew I was only here as the indentured servant of this ship's captain, I couldn't contain my excitement at being someplace new.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Said a voice from beside me, startling me from my fascination.

Jonathan stood next to me, gazing out at the city as I had been. I, recovered from my surprise, nodded in agreement.

"I take it you've never visited before?" He asked.

"No, I have not ever been to a place like this before. I have hardly stepped foot outside of my hometown and it's neighboring villages." I admitted sheepishly. "I'm sure you've seen much grander places on your travels."

"Yes, well, after a while they all start to look the same. Once you've visited a handful of ports you might as well have seen them all. I once had your wonderment about new places, but they've all since become quite...monotonous. I admit it made me smile a bit to see you so infatuated with it. I hope you hold fast to that curiosity."

This was the most he had spoken to since I'd come aboard. I smiled softly at him, pleased that he seemed to be opening up to me a bit. It was true, I was curious to see what the city held, and though I was nervous of what this trip might entail, I felt ready to face it.

A little while later, the ship was anchored and docked, and I was trailing behind Cyrus and his first mate into the city. A trio of guards followed at a distance, staying back just far enough to be inconspicuous. We visited a few shops, acquiring a few outfits and footware that would be more comfortable for seafaring than the one dress, ruined by the salt water, had been. Cyrus indulged me as I awed at each shop's wares, even purchasing a new sunhat that I had been admiring. I practically skipped along the cobbled road, feeling a bit more pampered than any captive slave ever should. I tried not to dwell on the thought too much, deciding instead to focus on the wonders of the city.

By early afternoon we had made our way to the inn where we'd be staying for a few nights. I wasted no time in asking one of the inn workers to run a hot bath in my room. As I sank into the warm water, I allowed myself to relax and forget about the past few days. I scrubbed the salt from my hair and body, feeling more like myself once I was finally clean. I sat in the tub until the water turned cold, reluctantly stepping out even as I started to shiver.

Using a comb we had purchased earlier that day, I managed to calm my unruly locks, doing my best to smooth the curly mess into something presentable. Donning one of my new outfits, I then made my way downstairs to the inn's tavern.


Cyrus was already waiting in one of the many booths. His jaw nearly dropped when he caught sight of her, but he regained his composure in time to stand and greet her with a bow. "You look absolutely lovely tonight, my pet. I hope the accommodations are to your liking."

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