chapter 4

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I have nowhere else to go, then to go home. When I come home I hear my little brother,Liam,crying. I go to him and ask him with my sweetest voice even tho I'm still raging mad: "hey boy why are you crying? Whats wrong?"
"Daddy twisted my arm because I ate a cookie and he didn't gave me permission." He said, still crying.his eyes out. I stare at him in disbelief. I always thought my dad hitted me because he blamed me for the dead of my mom. I never could've thought he would actually hurt my 3 year old brother. What for a devil is he? I ask Liam: "Where is daddy now, Liam?" "He went looking for you."he says, now still sobbing a little. I immediately know this Is not a good thing for me. I just go upstairs, after Liam stopped crying and lay in my bed. Waiting for my father to come home and beat me up.

At 12 o'clock I hear the front door slamming shut. A sign my dad has finally come home. I know he wasn't looking for me-I'm not that much worth to him- and he was probably till late in the bar, drinking and laughing with his "friends". I go downstairs because I don't want to wake Liam, who's now sleeping. I already know he's going to be wasted when I come home. I smell the alcohol he has been drinking, and hear the glasses and kitchen supplies falling as he knocks them off the cupboard in the kitchen. I come into the kitchen and his gaze catches mine. He yells at me with his drunk tone: "school called. They said you stormed of because off a rumour. A rumour saying I hitted my daughter. Why do they think that. Did you told them?! Is had to come to the principal to have a "talk" about it. You brought me In much trouble!" he says and he pushes me against the wall. My heart is in my throat, beating fast. I have a gut feeling he isn't going to let me go off easily. He screams while spitting in my face. He tells me I'm a "useless child". That mom probably crashed on accident hoping I would die instead of her and that she never even wanted me in the first place. I know he's just drunk, and probably doesn't really mean any of it but I still feel really bad. After he's done yelling, I try to escape from his grip and go to my room, but as I turn around, he pushes me against the bookcase behind me. First I think I have just come off with a little scratch, but then I hear something cracking. I look up and I see the bookcase coming closer and closer. The last thing I see is my dad looking at me with a grin on his face. After that everything goes black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2023 ⏰

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