Part 31

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Once winter had firmly set in, Skye had been making steady progress on the house, finally slowing down on the renovation to focus on their mid-year exams. It had been more than a month of living together and he'd gotten used to Noah's the chaos that he brought to his life. There was always something that got him excited or into trouble, even if he wasn't looking for any.

Studying with Tsukasa wasn't as tough as he thought it'd be. Unfortunately, he had to contend with their awkward interactions and uncomfortable attempts at light conversation. It was frustrating watching them dance around each other.

Now that they'd moved, they were closer to school and it was only a ten-minute walk. Noah was still not sure walking to school with Skye was a good idea. His fan club had been unusually active, probably because the winter ball was also coming up and there was great speculation on who he'd be taking.

At the end of the school day, Noah slowly walked to the entrance not looking forward to the soaking he was about to get. Standing on the steps of the main exit, he looked at the deluge coming down. Not even his bag would help him in this situation, he thought mustering up the courage to step out into the cold and wet.

"Hey Noah, why are you waiting in the rain?" Tsukasa came to stand next to him with his sweet smile and twinkling eyes.

"Getting myself ready to get wet," he shivered slightly. "You don't normally leave school this early, do you?"

"It's wet, so practice is cancelled," he slipped his scarf off his neck and tied it around Noah's, blushing slightly as he stepped back. "That should keep you a little warmer. Do you want me to walk home with you?" He opened the umbrella he had in his hand.

"Walk home with you?" First, his scarf that was so warm and smelled like him and now walking home with him? It was like the universe was conspiring against him by throwing them together. How was he going to spend the next ten minutes walking extremely close to Tsukasa under an umbrella, it was every boy's dream and...

"Come on, let's go to the bus stop," he waited for Noah to follow him.

"Eh, I live in the opposite direction now," he pointed in the general direction of the house.

"That's great, I'm going in that direction too!" He felt boosted by the idea that they were going in the same direction now. "Come on, let's get going then, I don't think it's going to stop raining soon.

Noah walked next to Tsukasa, feeling warmer than he should in weather like this. They were in really close quarters, especially since Thukasa was leaning into him, since he was so tall.

"Well. this is me," he pointed to the cottage over his shoulder, looking up at Tsukasa whose eyes flickered behind him. 

"Since you're so close to me, maybe we can study here sometimes or at my place if you want."

All Noah could do was nod and swallow the lump that had formed in his throat. His heart was beating a mile a minute and it felt like he was overheating, even though the air had turned really cold.

"Anyway, get inside where it's warmer. They said there was going to be snow on the mountains," Tsukasa straightened his scarf and waited for him.

"Oh, yeah, yes, of course. Let me go inside then," he stammered almost blinded by Tsukasa's beauty and charm. Right, pull yourself together and go into the house, he ordered his body as he stood smiling like a fool at Tsukasa.

"Well, see you tomorrow," he finally got out and ran from under the umbrella into the house, turning to watch Tsukasa waive at him with his shy smile. With a contented sigh, he closed the door and slid to the floor, his legs feeling wobbly.

"Did you fall over again?" Skye chuckled walking past him with a tea towel over his shoulders.

"Shut up, I needed a rest after running home, didn't I?" He pushed himself up still leaning against the wall. "What are you so happy about anyway?"

"You're touchy today, I wonder who could be to blame for that?" Chuckling he threw the towel at Noah. "Come on, clean the kitchen, I've already made supper."

"Can't we eat first? I don't think it would make much difference to the food if we left the kitchen for a bit.

"It would make a lot of difference to my mood and I know how you can spin a story until you woem your way out of work. So get," he pointed to the kitchen, grinning at the look on Noah's face as he walked to the kitchen grumbling.

The next morning, Noah was late as usual, running from his room to the bathroom. Having to share a bathroom with Skye was like being in military school. Everything had to be in its place and if there was no apparent need for it then it had to go. Bathbombs were deemed as non-essential since the bathroom barely had anything in it besides towels and toothbrushes. Everything else was neatly stashed in cleverly hidden drawers.

"Noah, are you having breakfast or not?" Skye called from the kitchen where he was making thick, fluffy flapjacks, humming as he went along. If the past was anything to go by then Noah was late and would fly into the kitchen as if the devil was behind him.

"I'm here!" He said out of breath, throwing himself into the seat nearest to the flapjacks.

"Finally, here's yours. Eat up, I'm not waiting for you if you're late, and comb your hair," he started leaving the room, then turned. "Do you mind packing my lunch?"

"Hey, that's just the way it is! I combed it earlier," self-consciously running his hand over his hair as Skye left. He was almost dome with [backing their lunch when the doorbell rang. Groaning, he dragged himself to the front door, was it Skye's family again?

"Good morning," Tsukasa stood in front of him with his usual carefree, sweet boyish smile. Noah couldn't stop looking as he was standing on the porch with his bike in his hands and was speechless for a second.

"Tsukasa, what are you doing here?" He finally got out slightly in a panic. What was Skye going to say about him bringing people into the house?

"I don't have practice so I thought we could walk to school together."  Noah looked like he'd only recently gotten out of bed from the way his hair was sticking out in all directions. He could feel the heat rise in his face and quickly looked away.

"That's great, thanks, let me get my bag quickly," as he turned, he bumped into Skye who was on his way out.

"Oh, it's you," he mumbled by way of greeting before pulling up his collar against the cold and left.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but..." he trailed off, not sure what he wanted to ask, as they walked to school. Seeing the two of them together earlier didn't fill him with a sense of hope. Maybe they were more serious than he thought.

"Ask away, I can always say no," he joked bumping Tsukasa with his shoulder as they walked along.

"Are you, are you and Skye living together?"

"I, we, well, yes, sort of." There was no point in lying to Tsukasa, he was bound to see them together again since they now lived in the same neighbourhood.

"So it's only the two of you, alone, all the time?" His voice broke halfway saying what he couldn't believe. Had he been wasting his time taking it slow when Skye was already planning his moves?

"He's helping me out by renting me a room." Might as well be honest about the whole situation, No point in hiding behind things that weren't there.

"You're renting one? Why don't you come and stay with me, then you wouldn't have to pay rent." If SKye was truly his friend, then he wouldn't ask for money, that was unbelievable.

"It's better this way, believe me," Noah chuckled at how indignant Tsukasa sounded. "You'd soon get sick of me if you had me underfoot the whole time."

"No I wouldn't," he said somewhat moodily, feeling deflated. They were spending almost all of their time together, alone, together, in a house, alone. Alone together! The thought kept milling through his head making him feel like he wanted to punch Sky for some reason.

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