𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 1: 𝕱𝖔𝖗𝖌𝖊𝖙 𝕸𝖊 𝕹𝖔𝖙

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Genshin characters may be a lil OOC, only because I haven't played in a while, and I low-key forgot their roles.

I walk around town, aimlessly. My tired eyes looking at only the front of me, and nothing else. My headphones are on, and it's looks like I'm zoning out. Like I'm in a completely different world right now.

I'm tired, I'm so fucking tired. But, I'm scared to actually fall asleep. Scared, because everytime I close my eyes, I see them.

I see the very Genshin characters that hunted me down, and killed me as if I was nothing but a nuisance to them. Granted I probably was nothing but a nuisance in their eyes, but it hurt. It still hurts. They saw me as an imposter of some sort, yet didn't even let me explain myself. It looks like their the kind of people to kill first, ask questions later

The Genshin characters and what happened in their world made me hate all things to do with Genshin Impact.

I walk around, swiftly avoiding people. My arms are crossed, and headphones are blasting music so loud, I was sure that other people can hear it.

My sleep deprived eyes decide to quickly look around, almost automatically. And for a second, I see the other people's eyes look at me, almost in shock and bewilderment.

I decide to take a quick look at the people around me, and my eyes almost widen at what I hear them whispering and saying.

"That's the person who went missing 2 months ago."

"I thought they were declared dead.."

"Were they finally found?"

...what? They thought I was missing?

I look at a pole, and lo and behold, I see a poster of... Myself... Declared missing...

Okay, so I was declared missing?

Soon enough, the constant whispering about me, and the attention, mixed with my sleep deprived state grows almost too much for me, and I start hyperventilating.

*I need to leave..* I think, before quickly picking up my feet, and walking as fast as I can. And for a moment, everyone's voices become muffled, almost to the point where the voices just get blocked out.

And then my vision starts to blur, and then I--



I hear voices....

Not the characters voices, just regular people.

They all sound worried... I can't hear their muffled voices exactly, but I know their worried.

*Why are they even worried? They don't even know me...* Is the last thing I think, before blacking out completely.



I wake up, breathing heavily, in a white room.

Before I can react, I see several police officers walk into the room, along with a few nurses.

"Ma'am/sir, are you awake?" One police officer asks. I hear him is the term 'Ma'am', and almost immediately correct him.

"Mx..." I correct him, tiredly.

"What?" The officer says.

"Mx... I'm nonbinary."

The officer looks at me, with a raised eyebrow.

"My apologies." He says. I just nod, avoiding eye contact with the people in the room.

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