Chapter 1

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Hi. I'm melody. I'm british. Currently, I'm 17. But 7 years ago, something changed me.

Melody's POV:
"Papa! I'm going to the park!" I shouted.

"Okay dear! Be back by 7:00!" He responded.

"Papa, can you please come with me today?" I asked.

"I guess so, I will meet you outside!" He answered, very quickly.

I ran outside waiting. Then he came out.

"Papa! Lock the door!" I reminded him.

"Oh yes! How could I forget? Haha!" He then locked the door.

"For goodness sake, papa." I joked around.

We arrived at the park.

"Papa, let's go by the bench." I said.

"Alright." He replied.


"Sweetheart, you have been reading for a hour! Aren't you a little bit tired?" He asked me.

He has been waiting, very patiently.

I responded, "I'm a little tired, but may we please stay until 7:00 like you said?

"Alright." He answered.

I fell asleep in his arms. He wrapped his coat around me, and it started to rain.

Melody's Dream

"Papa, look at this book im reading!" I exclaimed.

"That's very neat." He responded.

" Woah, look at that man's cool, black hoodie!"

"Watch out honey."

"What, papa?"


A guy in a black hoodie approached.

A big smile plastered on his face.

He pulled out a knife.

"Watch out, little Melody."

I screamed of fear.

The chills ran down my spine.

In fact, my neck too.

I got the shivers.

He ran up to my dad and slashed his stomach open.

"Are you kidding me!!!" He muttered as his stomach was being cut right open.

"AAAH" he shouted.

I grabbed his hand and ran back home.

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