Thats how you lose the girl

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-Y/n's pov-

It was the month of Christmas, I was in my kitchen making dinner for Tom and I, today I planned making a homemade date dinner and I was more than excited to cook. These days Tom has been a bit stressed because of how often they were going on tours and concerts, so I thought it would be a great idea to make him relax one day.

I was already with my nicest dress on with some low heels. I took the hot food and placed it in bowls and plates, I was making sure everything was perfect. Candles, done; Flowers, done; Calm music, done; Wine, done.

While waiting in the dark only the candle lights letting my vision see I went for some wine glass. I was looking for them when I heard someone opening the door. Tom was finally here.

Quickly, I grabbed the wine glass and placed it on the table, once I placed them I saw Tom walking through the door. Excited to finally see him I ran up to him and once he closed the door I wrapped my arms around his body.

"I missed you." I said still hugging him, I was expecting a compliment about how I was dressed but instead I received no answer and I could feel how he was trying to get out off the hug.

Uncomfortable I took a few steps back breaking the hug.

"Umm, do you want me to help you take your coat off?" I said walking behind him trying to gently pull it out off him but he aggressively pulled it back to his old position.

"I can do it by myself." He said harshly

Why was he acting this way? Did something bad happened at work?

Again, I took a few steps back nodding. He started taking his coat off placing his work bag on the floor, I walked up to him slowly.

"Remember I told you about the homemade date?" I asked receiving just a 'mhm' from him "Well, dinners ready and I made your favourite food! I also made mine so we can both have a great time eating our favourite meals." I told him with excitement

"Do you ever stop talking?" He snapped. My face dropped once my ears heard those words come out of his mouth.

In previous years of my childhood and teenage years I was always sorrowed with this question. They would always tell me how annoying I was for talking too much, but I couldn't control it. When I'm excited words just come out of my mouth and it was something I was insecure about, but Tom always told me he loved that of me and that it was cute. But now, he was asking that question to me.

"Umm, yes. Sorry about that, umm. Would you like to eat already?" I asked looking to the floor

"Whatever it's fine I guess." He said walking towards the table with candles that smelled like Christmas.

I walked behind him and waited aside of my chair thinking he would pull the chair out for me as he always do when we go on dates but this time he didn't, he just sat down.

I sigh and sit down, everything felt uncomfortable for me, he's been acting hostile since he crossed that door.

"Would you like to talk about something?" I said trying to kill the tension

"Do you need to always be talking about something?" He said under his breath but I heard it all clearly.

Why is he making me feel this way? What did I do to receive this treatment?

I looked down trying to control my breathing, I've been doing some exercises every time I felt like crying. I didn't want my makeup to ruin and of course I didn't want to ruin this date, which I was now not excited about.

He served himself some food on his plate and started eating, I did the same. I was barely eating, I was just playing with the food with the fork I had in hand.

"Did something bad happened at work? You seem a little off since you entered the house Tom. You know you can talk to me." I said

As I was going to place my hand on top of his he angrily hit the top of the table making me flinch at the sound of the glass hit the table.

"Can't I just have a moment of peace in this house? You're always talking and it's annoying, you're annoying and this dinner is the shittiest one I have ever had in my life!" He yelled. I looked at him scared, and I felt tears in my eyes.

As I looked at him I could see the regret on his eyes. This wasn't the Tom I felt in love with, he would never say those mean things to me and he would never be this violent.

I quickly stood up from my chair, fear and disappointment were in my eyes.

"I'm going upstairs." I say as I wipe away a tear

I turn around and walk upstairs quickly not wanting to reply at him calling my name. Once I enter our bedroom tears go down my cheeks, all I wanted was to stop being annoying to people, I was for my parents, my friends, and now Tom.



I don't know what to think about this, let me know how it was, and be honest please. Also let me know any grammar mistakes!

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𝐓𝐎𝐌 𝐊𝐀𝐔𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐙 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 ♫Where stories live. Discover now