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As I stepped into the bustling classroom, a wave of students parted to grant me passage. Their curious eyes followed my every move, causing a blush to bloom across my cheeks, the kind that could stop traffic on a busy intersection. The young and striking teacher, with her hair elegantly pinned up in a bun and wearing a flowing neutral-colored skirt, warmly welcomed me. Her voice resonated through the room as she introduced me to the class of around fifteen to twenty students.

A sense of awe washed over me as I found my designated seat, adorned with my name scrawled on a placard. It was a small touch, but one that hinted at the elegance of this educational institution. I gingerly dropped my backpack onto the floor, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. As I settled into the chair, a peculiar sight caught my attention—everyone was reaching for their iPads, not a textbook in sight. "Wow, fancy," I thought to myself, impressed by the modernity of the school's approach.

With a tablet in my hands, I scanned its surface for a power button, but my search proved fruitless. It seemed like everyone else's devices effortlessly came to life while mine stubbornly remained dormant. Frustration bubbled within me as I tried to decipher the device's secret. Thankfully, a compassionate presence next to me noticed my struggle.

"It's a digital sensor," the boy, his skin beautifully dark, explained in a gentle tone.

"A-ah... Uh..." I stammered, my words failing to convey my gratitude adequately.

He smiled and placed his thumb on the screen of his iPad, instantly illuminating the device. Encouraged by his guidance, I mimicked his actions, and to my delight, a screen reading "Hi Margo!" materialized. I flashed a grateful smile in his direction.

"Thank you...?" I trailed off, realizing I hadn't caught his name.

"Ken," he replied with a smile. "You're welcome."

My cheeks flushed with a renewed wave of embarrassment. "How embarrassing," I mused inwardly, but I appreciated Ken's kindness in guiding me through this technological maze.

Throughout the first class, the material whizzed past me like a blur. I struggled to grasp the unfamiliar concepts, feeling adrift in this new academic landscape. Yet, the boy from the biology class, Ken, was there by my side, providing a glimmer of solace. His presence offered a ray of hope amidst my confusion, making him the beacon of kindness in this unfamiliar territory.

During the first break, I scanned the bustling hallway, hoping to catch a glimpse of Maxon, my enigmatic housemate. Alas, he remained elusive, shrouded in mystery. Failing to locate him, I pressed on and attended the second class, finding solace in Ken's familiar face.

It was during this class that the dark cloud of gossip descended upon us. As my eyes landed on a brunette girl seated across the room, the recipient of curious glances, whispers, and giggles, my heart sank. The reason behind the scrutiny soon unfolded through Ken's compassionate explanation.

"Last week, Kevin, her ex-boyfriend, shared an intimate photo of her with everyone," Ken confided, his voice laced with sympathy.

A wave of emotions surged within me, causing my hair to stand on end and my throat to tighten. Exposures—how I despised their destructive power. They dredged up painful memories, the ones I longed to erase from my existence and set ablaze. In that moment, I empathized with the girl, imagining myself in her shoes.

"This is ridiculous," I blinked, disbelief coloring my voice. "What she's

going through... it's unfair. Nobody deserves that. It's a violation of basic human rights."

Ken's response caught me off guard—a peal of laughter that seemed out of place. "Welcome to Roosevelt College, my dear," he chuckled, highlighting the harsh realities of our surroundings.

A Bad Boy in my life Where stories live. Discover now