Thirty eight

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Now suddenly you're asking for it back
Could you tell me, where'd you get the nerve?
Yeah, you could say you miss all that we had
But I don't really care how bad it hurts
When you broke me first

You broke me first — Tate McRae


As I entered the computer class, my eyes landed on the young man who had helped me after I stumbled on the staircase. A sense of familiarity washed over me. Today, I contemplated sitting beside him – the empty chair beside him seemed inviting.

"May I sit here?" I asked, my voice tinged with uncertainty.

He raised his head, adjusting his glasses with a subtle finger movement.

"Of course!"

After placing my backpack on the floor, I settled into the chair beside him. I couldn't help but wonder about his name, which had eluded me until now.

"What's your name?" I inquired, a faint smile forming.

"Harry," he replied, his demeanor carrying a hint of shyness.

"Harry, like Harry Styles?"

He nodded, his lips curving into a modest smile.


"That's quite cool. I'm actually a fan of his!" My excitement was palpable.

"And you're Margot, right?"

"Yes, but without the 'T' at the end."

Throughout the class, Professor George delved into the art of crafting a digital platform on the internet. As the lesson drew to a close, Harry decided to share the website he had been diligently developing – a platform centered around archaeological research.

Despite my disinterest in archaeology, I found his ideas remarkably imaginative. Even after the bell signaled the end of the class, we remained in the room for a few minutes. Harry continued to guide me through the intricacies of his website.

"Guys," Professor George's voice broke the trance, "I need you to leave the room."

We acknowledged his request, realizing that second-year students were waiting to take our place.

Unbeknownst to me, a wave of nausea surged within me as I exited the room. I suddenly found myself face-to-face with Maxon, his attention entirely absorbed by a girl beside him, her arms draped around his neck.

My breakfast rose to my throat, and all I wanted to do was to vomit, preferably on both of them.

But what I did was swallow it back down and resign myself that there was no reason to be surprised by this situation.

Maxon was entwined with another girl right before my eyes. And why should I be convinced that he wasn't involved with others while we were... close? There was no guarantee.

Strangely, despite my best efforts, I continued to overlook the fact that the Maxon before me was a far cry from the Maxon I had known a week ago. The Maxon I had grown familiar with no longer existed – a realization that extended to the consideration I once believed he held for me.

Yet, bearing witness to this scene intensified my existing resentment towards him. Thankfully, Harry's touch on my arm offered a lifeline, jolting me from my thoughts.

"What did you think?" Harry's voice carried a note of genuine curiosity, and I silently thanked him for his timely intervention.

"I think it's incredible, Harry." I said, ensuring my smile radiated sincerity. Together, we began walking down the corridor.

A Bad Boy in my life Where stories live. Discover now