~Chapter One~

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~A/N: Hey everybody! I hope that you are all doing amazing and are really excited to read this fanfiction, because I have been writing it. I do want to point out that the storyline or most characters aren't mine, they belong to JK Rowling. I also will be making the Weasley twins a year older than the golden trio and have Oliver Wood be in that same year (to add more characters). I have added songs that I feel like would go good with this chapter and don't worry, each chapter is long enough for each song so please listen to it if you want! I got a lot of backstory so strap in. Also, Rodolphus's nickname for Adalyn is pronounced like Daily. Well, anyways, I hope you enjoy this book! XOXO, Spooderman26~


{Rodolphus Lestrange POV }

I paced around the room as Bellatrix squealed in pain. She squirmed and wriggled in the sheets, the pain of labor getting to her. Sweat beaded down my head as he became increasingly more worried about his wife and child. I ran a hand through my blonde hair and squeezed my eyes shut. {A/N: I don't actually know what he looks like so I am matching his features to my character} Even if I knew my wife didn't love me the way I want her to, I still didn't want to see her in pain.

"You got this, just one more push, come on," the doctor repeated through Bellatrix's labored breaths.I didn't even know if I could watch at this point. I was glad, however, that a doctor was present for all of this. Voldemort was wary, letting people into the house who weren't his followers, but he knew that if something went wrong they would loose the baby; or Bellatrix, who is his most loyal follower. Lucius and Narcissa had also back the idea up because it just a few months they would also be having a baby and didn't want there to be any complications as well.

"You got this, push a little harder, they're almost here," the doctor urges Bellatrix as she screams again. She held her breath and looked as determined as a hawk diving for the kill. And a few seconds later, his child was born.

"Ahh, a beautiful baby girl born on March 17th. How lucky, given it is St. Patrick's day," the doctor winks as he holds the wailing newborn in his hands. "Let me just do a quick check-up on her and I will give her right back to you, mom," he looks at Bellatrix as she stares blankly at the wall. She is probably so tired. I slide next to her on the other side of the bed and tries to comfort her.

"Are you okay, Trixie? Is there anything I can go get," I say worriedly as I tried to take her hand, but she just scowls and takes her hand away.

"Don't call me that. And no, get away from me," she says curtly I gets off the bed. The doctor turns back around and gives Bellatrix the baby is a big white blanket.

"There you go, a healthy baby girl. Now, I just need her name and for both parents to sign the birth certificate. Take as much time as you need," he says and starts scribbling on what seems to be the baby's birth certificate. I lean against the bedpost and sighs.

"What will it be, Bellatrix?" I ask annoyed. I am the father of this child, but I have never had a say in any of it. It was all Voldemort's plan. Voldemort this, Voldemort that. Godrick, I wish I had any say in my marriage.

"Well, I don't know, what would you name her, Lord Voldemort?" Bellatrix asks so quietly. Of course, you can see it plain on her face she wants Voldemort. Stupid Voldemort. His tall, dark, slim figure seems to catch all of Bellatrix's attention with leaving none for me. We were in love once. Dreamed of this day together. Wanting a family, a home together. A life together. But now I couldn't be more detached from this situation, and it is all Voldemort's fault.

"I was reading a book a few weeks ago, by an author named Adalyn Threwitch, speculating on the art of poisons, and we want this little girl here to be the perfect deatheater, now don't we. She needs to be able to kill ruthlessly, if she will ever become great in our community," Lord Voldemort says with little to no emotion in his voice. I never thought I would name my baby after a professional poisoner, but here I am, I thought to myself. I sigh but go along with it. I'll just give her a good nickname. I look at the baby. She doesn't have dark hair (at least not yet) and her eyes are still tightly shut. I wonder if her eyes will be blue like mine, or hazel like Bellatrix's. Who knows at this point.

Tainted Past {Female OC Fanfiction} by Spooderman26Where stories live. Discover now