Day 1

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"What's in that bag?" Benny wondered and pointed at the bag Frida was carrying. "Books."
"What?! You know, we will be away just for like two days."
"Yeah, I know... But it's so wonderful to sit there underneith the sun in a comfortable deckchair just enjoy the sun and read" Frida said. "Yeah... But how many books do you think you can read out before we're back home?"
"Maybe three."
"Jeez... You're such a nerd" Benny said and wrapped his arms around her hips and rocked her from side to side.
"Yeah, I know!"

"Where is Linda?" Björn asked Agnetha as he came into the kitchen after been packing his stuff for the trip.
"She's asleep in the bedroom" Agnetha said and packed some made easy food in a cooler. Björn went into the room and found Linda asleep in her little bed. He stroked her cheek carefully. And then he heard how Agnetha's parents arrived. He went out to the hall to say hi before he and Agnetha left.

"Isn't it a perfect day for a boat trip?" Agnetha asked with a happy and sort of free smile. "Agree. It couldn't be better. And now Frida won't complain about the cold!" Agnetha laughed and remembered when they were out with Simona earlier the same spring, and it was cold as heck. Everybody could take it except from Frida who couldn't stop complaining. "It was a little while since we did something together apart from the work" Agnetha said. "This will be fun!"

They had been on the sea for a couple of hours. It was a wonderful day and the sun was still shining even if it was late. It was dinner time and they grilled sausage and ate it together with mashed potatoes.
"I love sausage!" Frida exclaimed as she put a big bit in her mouth.
"Yeah, we know..." Björn said and he and Agnetha burst into a crazy laugh. Frida and Benny looked at each other with up-given faces. "Oh my god, Björn.... So childish..." Frida said and threw some mashed potatoes at him. "And that wasn't childish at all?!" Björn screamed and started to laugh even more.

After some rest after dinner they decided to swim. "I don't know if I want" Agnetha said while she was sitting on the boat's gunwale watching how the sun began to go down. "Why?" Frida wondered and laid a strand of Agnetha's blonde hair right over her shoulder. "I haven't said this. But I can't swim..."
"Actually not me either. Or... I can, but not too well" Björn said. Frida sighed. "But I can help you. You can hold on to me. I promise nothing will happen" Frida said and laid her hand on Agnetha's shoulder. Agnetha smiled, and Frida smiled back. "You're so kind Frida, I love you."
"I love you too... And haven't I promised you to be here for you through everything? Even the simple things like this."
"Yes, you have. And I've promised to be here for you."
"Okay, girls. Enough with emotional shit! Now we'll swim!!" Benny shouted and jumped into the water from the quite high sailing boat. Frida and Agnetha laughed. Frida did the same as Benny, and she even dove in a perfect bow. It almost didn't splash at all. "Wow..." Agnetha said, and gave her an applauce when she came up to take some air. "Come here now. Just jump careful, and I will catch you" Frida said and reached out with her arms. After some hesitation Agnetha finally jumped, and Frida catched her as she said. "Nice!" Frida exclaimed with a smile, and Agnetha smiled proudly back. "Come Björn!" Benny said. "It's actually really warm" Agnetha said. "But... Who will help me?! I'm not good at this!" Agnetha, Frida and Benny laughed. "I'm here ya know" Benny said. Björn shrugged. "Hm, better than nothing" he said and jumped in the water with a splash. "Aw, you're so sweet Björn" Benny said and threw some water in his face. Björn just laughed.

It was very late and time to go to bed. Benny took down the sail before he went into his and Frida's cabin. It was quite a luxury boat with two cabins and one quite big kitchen. She was reading, of course. But she stopped when she saw Benny.
"Hi baby" she said and laid the book on the bedside table. "Hi..." Benny said and laid himself over Frida and started to kiss her neck. Soon she started to moan and skratched Benny's back with her finger nails. Frida was moaning quite loud, and suddenly they heard a knock through the wall. "Please, no fucking while we're here!" It was Agnetha and Björn who was in their cabin. The wall between the cabins was very thin. Benny and Frida started to laugh. "Sorry!!"
"Guess why we don't bring Linda?!" Björn shouted throught the wall. "I thought it was because she's too young!" Frida screamed back. "Okay... That's a reason too! Goodnight!"
"Goodnight!" Benny and Frida screamed followed by a little laugh.

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