KlaPollo (Apollo Justice x Klavier Gavin): Family

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- Apollo narrates -

Since I started my career as a lawyer, I felt that misfortunes did not stop coming into my life, my biological father died protecting me when I was a baby, my biological mother is a mystery, nobody knows where she is; the only friend I had was murdered, my mentor turned out to be a heartless assassin, and if that were not enough, the family where I grew up was fading little by little, first my stepbrother Nahyuta, then Amara my adoptive mother and finally her husband Dhurke... the only father figure I had in my entire life left this world to re-establish the legal system of the country that was his home... when I found out about his death I couldn't bear it, he sacrificed himself for all of Kurain's lawyers but yet nothing could change the fact that we could never be a family again.

 when I found out about his death I couldn't bear it, he sacrificed himself for all of Kurain's lawyers but yet nothing could change the fact that we could never be a family again

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Every loss I had in my life was horrible, the pain and sadness did not leave me alone, I spent nights crying for their deaths, I needed to free myself from this pain... but I would not have been able to move on if it weren't for the wonderful family I have now, although all my progress I owe to someone specific... my rival prosecutor Gavin.

 my rival prosecutor Gavin

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When we met, everything about him seemed annoying and desperate, he was simply so "perfect" both outside and inside the courts, and by perfect I mean being the center of attention, for being someone so attractive to the female audience and for being famous in various countries, not for nothing was he the leader of his band The Gavinners; he gave me a lot of headaches, in court our meetings were very intense but oddly enough it seemed that he considered me his "friend", come on, if he didn't he wouldn't have personally invited us to his concerts multiple times.

Klavier is someone a bit extravagant, but that exact day we met I thought I had a deja vu, he was almost the copy of my mentor Kristoff Gavin, it turned out that they were brothers, but they are completely different. In my first case I put my mentor behind bars, when I crossed paths with Klavier I thought he would hate me for what I did... but apparently it was not like that, it was as if it had not happened or as if he knew that everything was going to end like this.

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