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1. No pedo, no racism, no homophobia, no judging, no bullying, no sexism, and etc.

2. Make sure you follow the rules 

3. Poly relationships are allowed 

4. Play my crush I'll play yours 

5. If you wanna group rp that's ok, just let the people you wanna group rp with and me know first

6. If I don't respond in a few hours and or days don't hesitate to tag me just don't do it over and over again, I might not be online sometimes 

7. Please don't judge me or anyone else for who they have a crush on

8. If you wanna have smut please move it to the pms! Or if you don't like that or feel uncomfortable we can timeskip 

9. If you disobey any on these rules then you will be ignored for some time, if you continue to break these rules then you will be banned from rp book

11. You can have up to 12 ocs just make sure you keep count of them 

12. If you have any rp scenarios or au rp ideas then you can request them in the request page 

13. You don't have to ask, you can tag your ocs

14. Put in the password before you go on to forms, the password is the number that was killed in rules 

15. If you made it this far in the rules then you managed to read them all, well done! 👍🏻

16. And if your reading this, then have a good day, and week, and month, and years to come, and your great no matter what, and your past actions don't define you, you can still change to be a better person then you were then, and your cool and awesome! 😊🫂✨

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