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(She's mostly an Oc)


• Dahlia 


• Yawne (Tsu'tey), Dr Dolittle (sometimes by Jake)


• 19 (Avatar) - 35 (Avatar The Way of Water) 


• Female 


• Pansexual


• she/her

Alliance (RDA or Na'vi?): 

• Na'vi


• Avatar driver/Animal biologist

Physical description: 

• Average body with beige skin, medium sized brown hair with dark blue dyed hair streak, brown eyes 

Avatar Physical description: 

• Somewhere about 8 ft tall, short black hair that grows longer during the movie


• In her human body she has a t-shirt with a jacket sometimes, along with shorts or pants, She wears simple convers as shoes. In her avatar body she first has an average shirt and shorts with hiking shoes at first but then gets na'vi clothing


• Doesn't talk that much but once you get to know her she talks a lot, she can be slow at times but she gets the job down eventually, she might be kind and sweet but she can also be a bit of a hot head sometimes and tell you off

Human Height: 

• 5'1 and a half 

Avatar Height:

• 8'3 


• Animals  

• The nature and beauty of Pandora 

• Learning about the creatures 

• Having fun 

• Singing (in private) 

• Dancing (also in private)


• The effects the RDA has on Pandora 

• Anyone who try's to tell her off 

• Being watched by a big crowd 

• Heights


• Tsu'tey (Mates)


• Parents (deceased)

• Tsoley (Oldest child/first born son)

• Sylwana (Oldest child/first born daughter)

• Se'ro (Middle child/second born son)

• Kete(youngest child/second born daughter) 


• Running, observing animals to understand them, using some RDA and Na'vi weapons 


• Bow 

• Knife 

• RDA gun


• She was born on earth and was raised well and went to a pretty good collage where she managed to be a animal biologist, cause she was pretty much ahead of everyone else in her class. When her parents died she didn't have anything left but that's until she was asked to be sort of the avatar program so she accepted cause there was nothing left for her on earth.


• She can be a nerd about a few things sometimes, such as animals so that's how Jake came up with the nickname Dr Dolittle which she's kinda irritated by.

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