Chapter 2: Family Time

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*The scene then cuts to Scott, Hope, and Cassie who are seen in a car with Scott driving it.

Scott: You fought with Whirlwind in the past!? What were you thinking?!!

Cassie: What was I supposed to do? Do nothing and run while he hurts my friends?!

Scott: No! You were supposed to call me so that way I can have the situation taken care of! Worst of all not only did you keep this a secret from me, but you also stole from me! I can't believe you!

Cassie: Look Dad I'm sorry. I should have called you. I just wanted to help my friends at school. I'm also sorry for stealing Pym Particles I should have at least asked.

Scott: *Sigh* I understand sweetie, but when you see trouble out there I don't want you going near it. Do you understand me?

Cassie: *Nodding* Yeah.

Scott: Now do you have any of those Pym Particles you stole?

Cassie: ... That wasn't my first encounter with him...

Scott: ... How long has this been going on?

Cassie: Since you were in the quantum realm.

Scott: You've been fighting a supervillain since you were 10!?! I can't believe you've been putting yourself in danger for the past seven years and you haven't told anyone!

Cassie: Look Mom and Jim know and so did grandma and grandpa.

Scott: Hope did you know?!

Hope: Yes. We just weren't sure how to tell you.

Scott: That's my daughter Hope the first person that should have been told should have been me!

Hope: That's why I wanted to tell you on our date tomorrow.

Scott: Well guess there's no reason for that anymore since I'm going to be staying at home with my grounded daughter!

Hope: Ugh, but we planned this date out for a while!

Scott: Well thank Cassie for keeping secrets from me!

Cassie: Hey don't blame me for you the date being cancelled! Besides Mom and Jim can look after me by themselves! You probably wouldn't even bother showing up...

*This line leaves Scott shocked as he stays quiet after Cassie says this. Hope has a look of surprise on her face while Cassie face changes from mad to looking remorseful*.

Cassie: Dad... I didn't mean it like that... I was just... I'm sorry...

*The entire car ride then turns to silence. We then cut to the Pyms house where both the Pyms and Langs are seen at the dinner table. Janet puts down a pan of small pizza which Hank then with a device uses it to grow the pizza. The two sit with the rest of the family to eat*

Hank: So Scott did you fight against any good villains today?

Scott: Well me and Hope fought against one.

Janet: Ooh I wonder which unlucky villain it was.

Scott: Nope. I fought against Whirlwind. Then I learned my daughter has been secretly stealing from me! I can't believe none of you told me!

Hope: We just weren't sure how you would react to it.

Scott: What do you mean? I wouldn't be that upset.

Hank: Scott from my experience with Langs I've known that some don't react well with things taken from them.

Scott: Of course not, it's stealing!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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