Stolas's First Appointment

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[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! So Stolas Won! He will be up first! This is right around the time he had sex with Blitz for the first time and is on a high! Anyways Enjoy this chapter!]

(No One's POV)

(Name) showed up at a Goetia's home, she whistled as she knocks on the door. An imp comes out with a black eye.

"Hello, you are Dr. (Last Name)?" He asks.

"Yes, I am. I am here for Stolas." (Name) says, reading the name.

"Yes, he is waiting for you." The Imp says. "Follow me, Sinner."

She nodded and followed the Imp to Stolas's office.

"Your Highness?" The Imp says, knocking on the door. "The Sinner is here."

"Send her in Pringles." A voice comes from beyond the wall.

The Imp opens the door, and (Name) walks in to see the Goetia. She smiles and bows.

"Your Highness." She says.

"Ah, you are-" He stops as their eyes meet, his face becoming flush, and his heart begins to race.

What was this feeling he only ever felt with Blitzy?

"I- oh my, yes." He was now flustered and confusing (Name).

"Are you alright?" She asks him.

He clears his throat and nods. "Quite. Please have a seat."

"So, Stolas." She speaks before stopping. "Do you mind if I call you Stolas?"

(Stolas's POV)

The way she said my name, that smile. It is too much for my heart to take! "Yes, that will be fine. What is your name?"

"Dr. (Name) (Last Name), but you may call me (Name) if you wish."

"(Name)." What a stunning name for a stunning demoness.

"So shall we begin," She asks me.

I nod my head. "Yes."

"How have you been as of late? Please remember whatever you say here does not go to anyone else. I signed my soul to secrecy."

I nod as that is more reassuring. "Well, the home life has been even more toxic. You see... I cheated on my wife on our anniversary. I do not regret it! It is the first time I have felt alive! Like someone wanted me! I want to divorce her, but there is our daughter. I love her with all my heart. She is the most important thing to me. I would do anything to protect her. Though. I feel I need to do for myself, and I feel horribly selfish, and I am, trapped in a loveless marriage. I despise Stella. I do not want a thing to do with her. Though she is still the mother of my daughter, Via. I do not know what to do."

She nods and looks at me with such Gentle eyes. "Stolas, in the end, it is your happiness and well-being. That comes first. If Stella, your wife, is causing you pain this much. Your marriage might not be worth saving. I cannot make that judgment on your marriage until I speak with both you and Stella. Legally I am not supposed to make those judgment calls. I know though. If she is causing you such pain and heartache. That you two need to most likely take time apart. To see what you want and what you need to be happy and healthy."

I stared at her as if she had heard me, and she did not blame me. She actually listens. I break down in tears, and she takes my hand. Letting me cry it out. I shake almost while doing it. This woman was something else. I never heard of a psychiatrist or therapist like her.

"I'm going to prescribe you some happy meds. To tie you over for now." She tells me, once I have calmed down. "We will see each other once a week. I will also schedule couples therapy. To see Where Stella stands. I have to see her as well. Get her side of things before that. Here is my emergency number. If you ever feel like harming yourself or others. Call me. I will get back to you first thing. The only other time I cannot is during extermination and in other therapy calls."

"Thank you, (Name)," I say, looking at her, and my heart races again. I may have a crush on her.

I did not want her to leave. I want to keep her and kiss her and be with her. Just as much as with Blitzy, but even more! I escort her out, and she bids me a good day. I must have her.

[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter is done! I hope you all enjoyed it, and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!] 

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