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I got out of my bed and took a quick bath. I changed into jeans and a v-neck t-shirt. And of course, I wore a jacket on top. I counted my bags one by one and grabbed them to go downstairs. I heard things cling clanging as I walked down the stairs. Only one light was on, so it took a second for my eyes to adjust to it. It must have been dad or mom since Wren doesn't come here until nine o'clock. I smelled eggs and pancakes as I reached the first floor, I was more than happy to put the bags I carried on the couch. There was a lot so I went back to my room and carried two more down. "Hey, your dad and I were just preparing breakfast", mom said while placing a cereal box and a milk carton on the dining table. Dad was setting coffee for us on the table. "Hey"

I sat down as my parents did too. We quickly ate it, it tasted...like cereal. I remembered that we needed utensils to eat at the camp. I quickly grabbed a fork from the kitchen and set it in my bag. I grabbed my bags and walked out the main door. My parents followed me out to the yard. I placed the bags on the ground and hugged them. "Be careful, okay?" My mom asked when I pulled away but I was still in arm's length. " I will, I promise"

"Have you gotten everything?" dad asked nodding toward my bags.

" Yeah and so... bye then" I said. "We'll miss you" they screamed as I went inside the garage and got my car out to the yard. I had set my suitcases inside and got the car onto the road. I yelled "Bye, love ya!" as I drove away.

They were still waving at me, saying something but the sound of my car's engine drained it out so, all I heard was something about " being safe".

I drove the car in silence, enjoying the slow chirping of birds. The sky was becoming bluer and lighter every minute. Turns out Olivia had prepared everything for the trip, she send us the address last night after I went to sleep. The boat is waiting for us at the nearby dock,near the shop lanes. Our house was a bit far from the town, it takes us 10 minutes to reach the nearest town. On the way to the town, there is a dock, it isn't crowded but it's the only one in 50 miles, so Olivia's dad always kept his boat there.

The sky was still blueish and the weather damp as I parked my car on the parking line of the dock. There were eight cars there two of which I recognized. There were five boats tied to the dock. Each had least one person in it. I walked closer and saw Olivia, Hadley, and Olivia's dad ―Mr. Beckett on a motorboat, there were six seats. I grabbed my bags and suitcases from the car and rushed to the motorboat. There were a lot of people gathering on the dock discussing their boat so, It took me a minute to get past them and to their motorboat.

"Maeve! There you are..." Olivia came forward and grabbed the suitcases and bags from my hand and brought it to the boat. She set it down next to some other bags. I went inside the boat and waved to Hadley who suddenly hugged me. I awkwardly hugged her back.

"Are you guys ready to get going?" Mr. Beckett asked us while he was sitting on the pilot's seat. "YES!" Hadley screamed. "Wait, I'll head to my car and check If I've forgotten anything, "I said. Mr Beckett nodded rapidly.

I walked to my car and rechecked it. I found nothing. Not wanting to waste anymore time, I rushed back to the boat and told them that we can get going. Hadley squealed five times before the boat moved and soon we were going faster than I expected. I had already sat in the seat next to Olivia. Hadley was walking around switching places each minute.

The morning breeze would have freezed me if It wasn't for this jacket. I didn't even notice the huge smile on my face until my cheeks began to hurt. The sky became brighter and I already miss the dark sky. "Who wants apple juice?!" Hadley suddenly stood up and grabbed her small backpack and searched through it. When she was done digging through her bag, she had two apple juice bottles in her hands. She grinning so wide, I didn't even know anyone could grin that wide. "YESSSS!" I yelled and my hair flown into my mouth. I pushed it away and grabbed the apple juice out of Hadley's hand.

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