Chapter 8 - Trip...

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Lisa POV:

"What do you want Taehyung?" Jennie growl as she pushes me behind her,

"What? I can't visit my favorite cousin?" he ask walking towards Jennie slowly as she glares at him,

"I heard about your little mate and I wanted to be the first alpha from the others that know to meet her" he say as Jennie growl,

"What do you mean the first alpha from the others that know?! Who else knows!?" Jennie shout gripping his cousins collar,

"The whole lands know, its quite hard not to know when the scariest alpha with the shortest temper has a weakness now" he say with a smirk before Jennie shifted into her wolf and growled at a scared Taehyung,

"Jennie" he say shakingly as Jennie eyes her like a predator stalking its prey,

"The alphas are having a council meeting in three days and they want you and....her to come" he say looking up at me before Jennie stands in front of me with her humongous wolf size blocking my view,

She mind linked him as I stood there confused. It wasn't long till I heard cars drivng off as Jennie turned to me as her cousin and his men were gone. She shifted back as I turned around with a blush.

"Lily" She whisper as I turn around with my hands on my eyes before she took them off as I noticed she was wearing a pair of shorts that loosely clung onto her waist while I blushed at how close we were with her shirtless,

"Would you like us to go to the alphas council meeting?" she ask tilting my chin up to look up at her as I think it over,

"If it's important then....I guess" I say with a nod as she looks at me confusedly,

"Are you sure?" she ask as I nod with a smile,

"You're an alpha, isn't it your job to go to those?" I ask as she chuckles,

"But it's also my job to make sure my mate isn't uncomfortable being around a bunch of men that are going to be fill you with questions about being my mate or eyeing you the wrong way" she say as her jaw clenched at the end of her sentence as I giggled before placing my hand on her cheek as she immediately snapped her face down to mine,

"I want us to go okay, as long as your with me I'm pretty sure I'm going to be very comfortable" I say with a grin as she smile down at me,

"Okay, but it's a three day trip if we're going to go" she say pulling us inside the castle as I nod,

"We have to pack, now" she say leading us to our bedroom,

As we walked inside the room she stopped midway. She turned around to look at me as I tilt my head to the side.

"What are you thinking about?" I ask caressing her hand as she frowns,

"If we're going to the council meeting, they're going to think of you wrongly" she say as I look at her confusedly,

"You don't have my mark on you, so other alphas are going to take that as an advantage to try to take you from me" she say clenching her jaw as I look at her hand that was gripping mine,

"It's okay Jennke, I'll let you mark me before we get there okay" I say hugging her waist as she look down at me with a uneasy smile,

"Are you sure?" she ask worriedly as I nod,

"Along the trip, not now though" I say letting go of her waist as I hear her growl,

"I have to pack" I say with a giggle while walking into the closet hearing her groan loudly,

I guess the trips going to be a looong one.



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