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i hope you sillies enjoyed the test chapter! This is more of a filler chapter, unfortunately. I hope u guys enjoy aurora and lucian feeding stray kitties.


Cleaning time was a blur to Aurora. She was more focused on what happened earlier, with Scarlett.

She knew she did her job of cleaning the windows, though. They looked spotless.

As she walked to her locker, she was stopped by that strange girl she saw in class earlier. The one with a blue highlight in her blonde hair, and a hood.


Not this again. Aurora was done with fighting brainless scum. Especially those who are so insecure they wear a damn hood in class.

"What is it?" Aurora asked, her voice laced with urgency.

"What did Scarlett talk to you about?" The hooded girl inquired, her voice mono-tone and blank.

"Nothing you have to worry about," Aurora simply responded, not in the mood to be honest.

Before Aurora could walk off, the hooded girl pulled her hood off and grabbed Aurora by the collar.

"I said, what did she talk to you about?" She asked again, her voice now filled with hostility.

Aurora tightly gripped her wrists, pushing her off.

"nothing, i tell you. get your flithy hands off me, you whore," Aurora grimaced.

"My name is Melody, thank you very much," Melody hissed, her teeth gritted.

"Whatever you want to know, it was nothing. Fuck off," Aurora frowned, pointing her middle finger at Melody before walking off. she could feel Melody's harsh glare.

She met Lucian outside after.

"You look pissed, what happened?" Lucian asked, dragging Aurora along with her arm.

"Some random bitch. She thinks I want her woman. I don't," Aurora stated, rolling her eyes.

Lucian hummed in amusement.

"you got five bucks, aurie-warie?"

"First of all, yes. Second of all, don't call me that. Third of all, why?"

"ehh.. you know that stray cat army we formed?"

"Yes. I believe I do."

"I found their new hiding spot. We can feed them today."

"You're bullshitting me, Lucian," Aurora stated, pulling her hand away and stopping.

"I'm not," Lucian attempted to reassure her.

"No way. I thought they were dead?" Aurora questioned, tilting her head slightly with confusion and a delighted surprise.

"They arent!" Lucian exclaimed, before grabbing Aurora and dragging her along again.

Aurora chuckled warmly, a hint of relief in her tone.

"I can walk on my own," Aurora stated, pulling her arm away so she could walk alongside Lucian.

Lucian rolled his eyes.

"I heard Sol and Bandit had kittens recently," Lucian added in, grinning smugly when he saw Aurora's reaction.

"Kittens? No way, how many?!" Aurora squealed. She liked having emotions. She had adjusted to having them rather quickly.

"I'm not sure. We'll see," Lucian shrugged, continuing to walk.

The two walked around town, Lucian leading Aurora to the convinience store that had recently opened so they could buy cat food first.

Upon entering, Aurora hissed through gritted teeth as the cold air rushed past her. The air conditioning had made the place cold, obviously. It was too cold for Aurora's liking, though.

The cashier immediately perked up, her headphones almost falling off. She seemed to have woken up abruptly when Aurora and Lucian entered.

"..huah?- ..oh.." The cashier mumbled some inaudible bullshit in Hindi, shaking her head. She fixed her visor before trying to put on a more approachable appearance.

"Uhh.. Oh, yes. Hi! Welcome to 'Marigold Field Convinience Store'! What can I help you with?" The cashier asked, sitting up.

Upon looking closely at her nametag, it said 'Dimitri Seema'. That was the Cashier's name, huh?

Aurora opened her mouth to speak, but was rudely interrupted by Lucian clearing his throat.

"yeah, hi sweetheart. we're gonna need about 14 cans of cat food. thanks, babe," Lucian smugly stated, leaning against the counter.

Aurora stared at him, with both disdain and concern. she harshly elbowed him. "quit being so fucking immature, dumbass. You're 18," Aurora whispered.

Dimitri stared blankly at Lucian, seeming to still be processing Lucian's horrible attempt at flirting.

"I'm lesbian, and i have a girlfriend," She simply blurted out. Instantly, Aurora started full on laughing.

"Oh- oh goodness.. I'm sorry about my brother. He's a bit crazy in the head," Aurora sarcastically apologised.

"I'm not crazy!" Lucian gritted his teeth.

"It's okay to be in denial, Lucian," Aurora cackled, even getting Dimitri to laugh too.

"Oh, fuck off, Aurora," Lucian grumbled.

"Anyways, 14 cans of cat food?" Dimitri asked, just to confirm. Aurora nodded.

She then placed the cans on the counter, letting Dimitri bag it up.

"Thirty-five dollars, please," Dimitri stated, pushing the bag of canned cat food across the counter.

Aurora looked through her wallet, casually placing a fifty dollar bill on the counter.

Dimitri gratefully accepted the bill, placing it gently and neatly into the register, and then taking out a ten and five dollar note, handing it to Aurora.

"here's your change," Dimitri stated, still snickering at the thought of what Lucian tried earlier. Lucian rolled his eyes, seeming embarrassed.

Aurora grabbed the change and placed it in her wallet, grabbing the bag full of canned cat food as well.

She exchanged goodbyes with Dimitri, before turning towards the exit and dragging Lucian with her, giving him a taste of his own medicine from when he was dragging her along earlier. Lucian simply rolled his eyes.

Once they left the store, Aurora let Lucian go.

"Lead the way," Aurora shrugged, following behind Lucian as he started walking in the direction towards where he stated the cats were.

Aurora couldn't wait to see their fuzzy little faces again.        

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