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I was on the couch in my light green glasses and shorts playing on my iPod when the rings. I run to it then trip. Ouch! Oh well. I limp to the couch. "Its open!" I yell my ankle hurts really bad now. Jake comes in. He has Chinese food and a book. " umm, did you plan some kind of messed up picnic?" I said sarcastically. " no it's dinner and math book."

Sometimes I thought he was really sweet. "So lets get studying" he said.

I thought about last time we "studied". We started talking again. I knew where this was going. I just made an excuse and said "I gotta study for science," he left like instantly. It's like something was wrong. I caught him outside. "Hey, what's the hurry?" I said peeking my head out the door.

"Nothing, gotta study,"

"Ok see ya later,"

" yeah bye,"

I for some reason felt heartbroken when that last word was spoken. He now seemed so important to me. I hated that word now. "Diiiiiiiing".

I heard my phone ring. It said

" hey I need to tell you something". It was Jake.

" what is it?"

" my dad got a job in New Jersey"

" oh"

" yeah next weeks my last time at school"

" and your telling me this now!?"

" I know and all week I have to pack so I can't hangout. But I just wanted to say that I always..."

"You always...?"

"Liked you"

I was shocked. The love of my life was moving. And I'd probably never see him again. Life without the one who makes me happy. My life has no point.


Authors note..

I am sorry honestly I forgot about you. That's so how I show love and affection so ill update.

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