Chapter 5

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I must've ben falling asleep because a knock on my door woke me up from my dreamless sleep. I took my gun like all the time and opened the door, who  I didn't expected to stand there was my mother.

"How nice to see you again hunny!" she said with a little smile.

"Mum? What are you doing here?" I asked confused as I laid my gun aside.

"No happy 'Oh mum, it's so good to see you!' or something?" she asked fake pouting.

"Oh, sorry. Hey mum! nice to see you again!" I said happy as I engulfed her into a hug. 

"That sounds better!" she said with a big smile.

"Ok now: why are you here?" I asked.

"Right, I just wanted to check on you to see how it's going on with tom." she said still with the smile.

"Ok. Well he is a total asshole but he has a little bit respect to me. Yesterday I yelled at him for being touchy and yeah that's all so far." I said with a little bit discouraged smile.

"That sounds good so far. As I was married with your father, he was the same but I just made clear who the boss was. You're gonna nail it too!" She said encouraging and then she walked out and let me stand there in my thoughts.


I thought the full morning and noon about Holland and I had made a decision I was going to visit him so I ordered my chauffeur to bring me to the Holland's mansion. It was 3pm as I walked to one of the security mans.

"I would like to see Thomas Stanley Holland" I said to him.

"Do you have an appointment?" He asked with a sly grin.

"I don't need one" I said.

"And why, gorgeous?" He asked and came closer.

"Because I'm his wife." I said while I took my hidden knife out, he didn't notice.

"I don't believe he has a wife." he said, meanwhile he was very close to me. I took the knife held it on his throat and said 

"I sure believe he has a wife" I said between gritted teeth.

"I-I'm s-s-sorry I believe you." he said out of breath I let go of him and the door opened.

I walked through the door and stepped inside it was a big Entrance Hall the floor was marble and in the middle was a reception desk with a secretary. I walked to the reception desk and said,

"I wanna speak the Holland boys." 

"A-all of them?" she asked frightened.

"Yes all of them and now!" I said with a cool voice, while I played with my knife. 

"O-of course." she said and took a telephone and called someone. I couldn't understand what she said but two minutes later all four Holland boys came into the entrance hall. I stoood up and walked to them. You heard how Sam and Harry whispered:

"Who is she" whispered sam.

"You don't  know who she is?" asked Harry, "That's Y/N, I already met her." 

"What?, you already met her?" asked Sam. But they were so close that I could hear what they said.

"Yes, he already met me, he watched while I trained and I have to say he's not that bad unlike Thomas." I said and the boys looked up, I had a black ripped jeans with a black cropped top, I had my hair in a fishbone braid. My make up was decent: black, emphasizing eyeliner and a dark red lipstick. 

"Y/N? What are you doing here dar-" asked Tom but I interrupted him

"Don't call me darling! How often do I have to say this?" I said with an annoyed voice.

"I-i'm sorry!" He said quickly. The other boys' jaw dropped. I went to to the smallest got on my knees and said:

"Hi I'm Y/N and you?" although I already new it I wanted to be polite.

"I'm Paddy, Y/N is a beautiful name!" he said.

"Nice to meet you Paddy!" I said, stood up and went to the twins

"Harry, long time no see! And Sam we never met so it's nice to meet you!" I said shook their hands and then I went to Thomas:

"Thomas, not so nice to see you again." I said, nodded to him and then took a few steps back.

"Where are your rings?" Paddy asked. Sam gave him a warning glance, but I chuckled.

"Well my L/N ring is here," I showed an elegant black and golden ring "my wedding ring is here," I showed a tiny diamond ring "and I don't have a proposal ring" I said while I shot a glance to Thomas.


That's the 5th Chapter I hope you liked it!

Word count: 738


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