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(Y/n and the ducks are mostly 15/16, but this takes place when they are all first year, so Rick riley and the varsity team are just seniors and the ducks and y/n are sophomores)

-6 years ago-

"Come on Adam! We only have a week left before I'm gone!" I say, running around. Adam chases me.

"I know! You're just too fast!" I laugh at his response.

At the end of that week, I don't think I've ever seen Adam cry that much, not even when he watched My Girl. I was crying too. We held each other, not wanting to let go of the other.

"Promise you'll come visit? And call?" Adam sniffles, as we pull away.

"Of course I will!" I half smile trying to cheer him up. We were moving to another state, so I knew I wasn't going to visit. We hugged one last time and then I climbed into the car.


"Y/n?" My mom yells, "you have a phone call!" I hurry down the stairs, thinking it would be Chloe or Cass calling to go to the mall or something.

"Hello?" I speak into the phone.

"Y/n y/l/n! Hi, this is Tom Riley, the Dean from Eden Hall. We were sent your hockey tapes, from your coach, and we were really impressed with your tricks, skill and talent. We want you to come play hockey for us on the Varsity team, to liven up the team a little. You don't have to make the decision right now, but call us back before Friday with an answer. We will email all the details and you can go over it with your parents. We hope to hear from you soon!" And with that he hangs up.

I stand there in utter shock. I look over to my mom, who is smiling already.

"Do you want to go?" She asks, as she sits down at the table. I walk over and sit with her.

"It would be a really great opportunity for me, so yeah, I want to go." I say as I look into her eyes.

"When dad gets home, we will go over the email and paperwork and we can call them back tomorrow with the good news. We will have to get you a dorm room." She concludes.

"Oh my god, thank you thank you thank you!" I squeal and hug her before running back upstairs. I was just entering my room when the phone rang again. I go back downstairs and look at the number. I didn't recognize it fully but it seemed familiar so I answered.

"Hello?" I speak into the phone. I get nothing in return. "Is anybody there? I don't enjoy prank calls." I hang up and go back upstairs again.

The rest of the summer flew by. I said goodbye to my friends and me and my parents were on the way to move me into my dorm at Eden Hall. It felt so unreal, like I was dreaming. School starts Monday, with an assembly in the morning before classes. We left Friday morning, since it was a good 10 hour drive. I would be back in my old town, after 6 years. I wondered who all I would see again. 'Him?'

Pulling into the student parking by my dorms, a wave of nervousness washed over me. We start carrying my suitcases and my boxes up the stairs. We get to the 3rd floor and walk down the hall.

"Here it is, 303." I point out to my parents and we walk through the already open door. We see a blonde girl standing on one half of the room. I set my boxes down.

"Hi, I'm y/n. You must be my roommate, Julie?" I hold my hand out for her to shake.

"Yes that's me. I was just wondering, do we want to leave the setup the way it is?" We look around, as do my parents. The room was pretty spacious, and we were really close to this floors showers.

"I think it looks fine, it's spacious this way?" I finish looking around and I look to her. She nods and turns  to put things on the bed she chose. Mom and dad went down to grab the last few things while I started getting things out and ready. Me and Julie start talking, about hobbies, interests etc.

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