[chapter 16]

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Ella Mai

"How far are you Ella?" One of the reporters asks as she strolls down the street rubbing her belly.

"I'm about 5 months." She responds, smiling widely as she stared directly into the camera.

"Congratulations to you and Jayson Tatum. Speaking of him, is he happy?" he held the recorder close to receive her answer.

"He's more than happy, he's already got names for the gender." Ella laughs.

"What're you having?"

"Gender reveal coming soon." She winks.

"We will be on the look out, but one more question, Miss. Mai." She hums for him to continue slowly stopping her walking since she was near her van.

"If you're in a real and strong relationship with Jayson, why just this morning he was seen having breakfast with his nanny?" the reporter wonders.

Ella made a conscious effort to control her facial expressions, even though she was feeling a mix of emotions. Her eyes narrowed in a glare, and she forced a smile, drawing her lips back into a tight line.  "Well, she's been let off — so she's going to be gone. far. far away, and i wish her nothing but the best."


"you know this is my time to do yoga right?" my eyes resting to see jayson placing his own mat next to mine.

"yeah , you don't mind if i join you right?" jayson slid off his shirt revealing his abs. dear heavens.

taking my eyes off of him, i sit down on my mat and open my mouth to speak, "can't say no now since you're already here..."

i stretch out my legs, then my arms — even glancing to see jayson copying.

"alright first pose is downward facing dog." getting into the position i just spoke about, i hear jayson chuckle.

"what's funny?" i ask, turning my head.

"nothin' nothing my fault."

after a couple of poses, i stopped only because every pose we've done jayson would stifle a giggle.

i roll up my mat and stood up with it, then wrapped the rubber band around it. feeling jayson approaching behind me, he wrapped his large arms around my body. "you mad at me?"

"yup." i say with a nod.


frowning, jayson would lean down and nuzzle his face into her neck. he mumbled, "i'm sorry."

de'asia awkwardly steps forward and out of his grip, turning to look at him.

once again he apologized, "it's .. fine. you've held me before.."

truth was, she didn't want to get her hopes up and get involved with this man, he already treated her like shit when got here, who knows what could happen if they went further in this situation-ship, hell she didn't even know what this was.

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