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ya missed me?
no? that's okay.

short chapter.

"We have to move locations, STAT!" Ella rushed into the house seeing derek carrying a pale and almost lifeless body.

"w-what happened!?" her eyes widen as she dropped her bag running over. she scanned de'asia's body and she barely had her open. her lips were turning blue.

"derek, what the fuck did you do!?" she cried out. derek stuttered, "me! you asked me to feed her food that she couldn't handle, and it was spicy, she can't always have that because of her gallstones. so, so i guess it got to her, and without having anything to help her, or anything to drink — it's taking her out fast."

ella cursed, "i didn't want to actually kill her! i wanted to scare the damn girl because she was messing with my husband!"

"we just need to leave her it's no point if she's already going to be gone in the next hour." ella checked de'asia's pulse. "we have to leave and get away from her now! i booked flights on my way over, get your shit and let's go."

derek dropped his sister down into the corner whereas ella placed her hands into gloves and started spraying and cleaning off their marks that was left on her so they couldn't be traced.

"babe i got everything." derek announced. ella got up and the two went running out of the house.

Jayson's P.O.V

slowly following behind ella's rental i parked on the other side of the trees. i watched as she jumped out of the car and ran up to the door and was pressing some buttons, then went inside. i stayed in the car just to see her next move, shuffling out my cellphone i started recording.

five minutes gone by and she was running out the door with another man. zooming into the two, then the car license, they went zooming. i jumped out of the car and ran up to the house, the door was still left ajar.

busting the door open, it was cold. Antarctica cold. i checked my surroundings and my eyed shot over to the body laid against the wall. my heart began to pound, i run to the body and pull her by the shoulder, "de, baby. oh my god." i saw how blue and purple she was slowly turning, and her eyes were closing.

i pick her up and leave the house, all on my mind was getting her to the nearest hospital.


"I don't like this one bit. he isn't answering my calls." I panic. Jayson abruptly hung up the phone on me about two hours ago and i've been calling him ever since. He stated he had some business to handle, and for sure I knew he was meaning, finding de'asia.

jayson became impatient when they wouldn't work on the case to find her so he thought taking it into the matter of his own hands will allow him to find her first.

"maybe he just went out for a jog to get his head clear." toriah tried to make the conversation light. she knew herself that jayson was worried about saving de'asia and that was the only thing on his mind.

i glanced her way and sighed, knowing she was only trying to make me less panicky.

"mama, i made this for de'asia. do you think she'll like it?" it was a stick figure picture of them all. "i want to take it to her. do you think she'll accept it?"

Just the other day Deuce told us he knows why de'asia isn't around anymore, he thinks she quit and doesn't want to deal with them.

"of course baby, and she'll love it too." toriah kissed her son's forehead. "go get your jammie's ready for a bath, i'll be up in a minute." and as soon as deuce left the kitchen, my phone went ringing.

i answered as soon as i saw jayson's contact displaying. "Jayson Christ-"

"found her." he breathed into the phone, he sounded like he was whispering. "We're at the hospital, it's not looking too good ma." he was crying?

"Send me the address, I'm on my way." I tell him hanging up and snatching my keys and purse.

"What happened?!" Toriah asked.

"He found her, and she's in the hospital. I'll be back."

📍: Hopsital

"Mr. Tatum, we've tried getting in touch with Ms. Bell-Hughes family, but we can't seem to find anyone on her emergency contact list." Dr. Gravely said.

"I'm her immediate family. I'm her boyfriend." He lies.

"Oh. Well, Good news, you got here just in time, she could've seriously died. Bad news is it'll take a while for her to recover so we will be keeping her until then." He announced. "However, the police would like to speak to you, are you comfortable with talking right now?"

Before Jay could answer, Brandy walked in. "J." she rushed over hugging her child.

"I'm alright mama, my baby's alright thank god." he looked over at De who was sleep.

"What's going on, the police are outside the door." Brandy wonders.

"They want to talk to me."

"Us. Cmon, let's go see what they want."

Ella P.O.V

📍: London

"How do I look?" I asked, spinning around in the chair. Derek was sprawled out in bed watching the news. It was just discovered that De'asia was found, and was recovering. Thank God

"You look amazing baby, but did you really need to get that surgery and cut your hair?" He raised an eyebrow.

"We could've killed your sister, D. It's necessary for this, and i have a friend that can legally change our name, and you have surgery tomorrow. We have to do this or we can spend the rest of our lives in prison!?" I whimper.

"All because you were feining over some dick that probably ain't as good as mine." Derek rolled his eyes.

"I wouldn't have been this crazy if it wasn't good." I mumble.

"What you say?"

"nothing." i sigh

" i sigh

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sorry for any
of the mistakes.

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