Forlorn Prince-2

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Sarah was more than thrilled to be working with an angel. She knew not everyone could sense them but she could.

"There is a guardian angel taking care of you", her mother had told her when she was five, right before she died.

Now, if she had to be honest, she had been skeptical at first, she didn't believe in angels, even at that age. If angels were real, her mother wouldn't have died. But one fated day, as she was walking to school, in a daze since her father had just told her he was going to get remarried, she didn't notice the truck coming right at her.

'At least I will get to see my mother', had been the one thought in her head but then nothing happened. Suddenly, she had felt weird and that's when she noticed it, the warm feeling of a hug. It felt natural and true and real.

The angel had saved her. She could not see him but it felt like she knew him and from that day onward, she could sense him around her.

When a ball was coming to hit her and those little occasions. He always protected her no matter what. That had made her brave. She knew under any circumstance, he was going to be there for her.

Two days earlier, she had started sensing another presence, and today, in school, she had felt them both. She had decided to follow her senses and follow them and now she had the feeling that her guardian angel needed her help, she would help them, it was finally her chance to repay him.

Kate looked at Sarah."I will save him", Kate read and smiled, humans...So cute.

Sarah just followed her instinct. She could sense him, her angel. The city's research center, what happened inside it has been off the record and classified since it was established. Though whenever something new is invented,they are thanked for it.

It was a high rise skyscraper with two huge lights mounted on its top for hunting down and suspicious activity in the skies. The building was surrounded by soaring walls, strong enough to handle a nuclear attack. The only entry was through a gate which opened only for the employees and seldom to students.

Hmm, I had always thought it was weird that the building was this fortified, Sarah thought.

Sarah counted 3 guards', as she reached the gate all of them highly equipped with ammo and arms.

She walked towards the gate, one step at a time constantly thinking how to tussle against the guards' questions and get-in in the most easy-as-pie way possible. She introduced herself as a research student, looked into the guards' eyes with those cute glances which would melt even the most hardhearted person in the world. She gave an excuse that she forgot her id at home and it was 20 miles from here, batting her eyelashes and giving then a puppy dog look.

Also,she snuck in a little information about her parentage. She begged them to give her an entry with apologetic eyes. It worked!! She was given entry.

Kate had a bad feeling that eventually Sarah too will be captured, but she shoved it away and accompanied Sarah as Sarah followed her senses. As soon as Sarah entered the premises and the intensity of her angels presence became multifold. She felt like he was a part of her soul that had been missing .Sarah had decided to pretend that she belongs here.She quickened her pace but managed being slick at the same time. She couldn't afford getting caught. The premises could be described in 6 words... pin drop silence - paint drop white.

The place was as big as a city used to be in the 21st century,only, it devoid of the warmth that made it worthy of that term. It was a collection of buildings, roads laid like a carpet for a queen that will never come. Banners hang with slogans to be read only by the dust-laden wind.The only sound Sarah could hear was her heart hammering in her chest.She remembered her father telling her that this used to be the capital city of a princly kingdom in the past. Against the wall of an old court house was a bicycle, the chain dangling on the sidewalk. Ahead was a clock tower, forever stuck at half past noon.

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