Harley Diaz

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You were good friends with Ethan, You had forgotten to text him to tell him, you were coming over. Turns out he wasn't home, he was with his band friends. You knocked on the door, waiting, expecting to be greeted by Ethan. You were greeted by one of Ethan's sisters, You had never met any of them but you had seen Harley around school, she sat next to you in a few classes, but other than a friendly smile and maybe a 'hey' you two never spoke. 

She smiled "Hey" She had a soft tone in her voice. You smile and respond "Hey" You got lost in her eyes. "So what can i help you with?" She said, still having her hand holding the door "Oh- yeah i'm here for Ethan" Your face was slightly red from embarrassment. "Oh, Sorry he's not here!" You gave an awkward smile "Oh, Okay" You back up "Hey! wait you can stay here until he gets back. I don't want you walking out in this sun" She slightly grasped your arm "Oh okay thank you!" She gave a cute smile. You walked into the house and twirled around to get a good look.

 "I'm YN by the way!" You Weren't looking at her. She gave a quick response "Yeah i know! Were in the same class silly." She giggled. You chuckled, Harley grabbed your hand and took you to the couch, she wanted to show you some creations. You were confused but let her, She had shown a good few, Those took 30 minutes each, so you were there for a hour and a half, But you didn't mind, she was so adorable about talking about her creations.

It passed your mind that Ethan hadn't come back yet. So while she was grabbing another creation you quickly messaged Ethan saying 'Hey so i knocked on your door like a hour ago, sorry i didn't know you weren't in but your sister invited me in so msg me when your coming home' You tried to make it short. After talking about this creation she stopped for a second "everyone okay?" you asked her, the first thought in your mind was 'did she think i wasn't listening to her' She give an apologetic look.

"Oh Sorry I've been keeping you here for like hours! I ramble way too much!" She then gave an awkward smile "No! I've enjoyed this, you're really creative and cool!" Before she could say something, you heard your phone ding, You looked "Oh it's from Ethan" You apologise and unlock your phone "Oh shot, he's not coming home until next weekend" You stand up, But you felt like you shouldn't of stood up, You enjoyed the conversion "Should i go?" She looked upset "I would like you to stay, but it's up to you" 

You wanted to stay more than anything, "Yes of course i want to stay!" She was so happy and she started talking again, You sat down and listened to her for another few hours before, she grew a bit tired, You weren't going to lie you were also tired, but her pretty voice kept you awake. "i'm getting a bit tired, should we watch a movie?" She said yawning after. You nodded and she went upstairs, you sat there awkwardly waiting for her. She came back down a few minutes later, a duvet and pillows in one hand and a few DVDs in the other. You smiled and saw the happiness in her eyes.

She threw the duvet on you "Sorry!" She said as she moved it away from your head. You picked a DVD out of the few that Harley had. She put it in and turned the TV on. You focused on the movie, she however did not. She was looking at you, You two were curled in the duvets. Because you picked a horror movie it did scare her enough to curl herself next to you. But she fell asleep before the movie ended. You gently placed her down lying her on her back.

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