Into the Heavens

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Despite going to bed late, Jim was up early the next day. He threw on his clothes and dashed down the stairs, right past Frank, and out the door. He paid no attention to Franks angry yelling behind him. It barely even registered. He raced to their tree to meet Spock.

He reached it before Spock and sat down at its base to wait. Seconds passed and was immediately back on his feet again. He was too filled with nervous energy to sit quietly.

He paced around the tree, jittery with anxious excitement. He was not sure if he was overjoyed or apprehensive about what the day would bring. His thoughts were loud, roaring, tumbling around in his brain like white water rapids. Each one trying to drown out the one before it.

Thankfully, he didn't have to wait long before Spock came bounding up to him with a small smile on his face. Jim grinned in answer while making grabby hands at him. The sight of his love made all his worries melt away for the moment.

Spock happily obliged, stepping into Jim's range. He was quickly grabbed and pulled into a hug directly followed by a kiss, both of which he readily returned.

After a long moment, Spock broke the kiss. "Come, Jim. Let us go speak with my parents. That is the first step. They will help us." He took Jim's hand in his and started in the direction of his house.

Jim reluctantly followed. His nerves were back in full force, and now that the meeting was imminent, he found himself hesitating. He had only met Spock's mother once, not under the best circumstances, and he had never met his father.

"Are you sure we should go now?" He asked apprehensively. "I don't want to wake them up."

"Do not worry, beloved. They are already awake and ready for us. I have informed them that I have something important to tell them in the course of the morning. They are awaiting my return."

Jim sighed heavily and stopped resisting. He knew they needed to do this. But that didn't stop him from being a bit anxious. What if they didn't like him? What if they got angry?

They reached the door sooner than Jim would've liked. Spock didn't let go of his hand as they entered the house house. Both Spock's parents were sitting in the living room waiting for them. Their eyes went instantly to the boys' joined hands.

"Spock?" Amanda questioned. She sounded surprised but not disapproving. "You said you had something important to tell us?"

"Yes, mother. I do. I have begun a romantic relationship with Jim." He gestured slightly with their intertwined hands.

"I see." Spock's father said, his voice and face completely neutral.

"Yes. In the course of this relationship, I have come to the realization that we are T'hy'la."

Amanda sucked in an audible breath while Spock's father raised an eyebrow.

"Are you certain Spock? That is quite a claim. I know you are aware that T'hy'la bonds are very rare."

"I am certain, father. I can feel the bond in my mind. It is stronger than my bond with T'Pring ever was. You well know that bonds do not spontaneously occur outside of T'hy'la."

"I see." He hummed quietly. "If that is the case, then I congratulate you both. But you do understand that we will need confirmation of this."

"I understand, father. Thank you."

At this Spock's father stood and walked purposefully over the them both. Facing Jim, he said, "I am Sarek, Spock's father, and I believe you already have made the acquaintance of my wife Amanda. We welcome you to our home and family."

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