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"Welcome to the vampire school 'Shadow'." The tall woman with long black hair and blue eyes says. She is wearing a long black dress, red heels and a red moon necklace. "I'm Luna, your vampire's history teacher."

Just Luna? That's strange.

We step into the castle and she took me to a long hall in the left side . The girl's side she said. It's so strange that the school is in a castle. Everything here is strange. The fact that I'm a vampire is the strangest thing. Before a week I thought that the vampires are just a myth but I was wrong.

I became a vampire when another vampire turned me. When my parents realized that I'm a vampire yesterday I got thrown out of home and the other vampires found me. They took me here today and now I'm a student in the vampire's school. What a life! Ugh! I don't wanna be a vampire! I just want a normal life!

"Elissa! Are you listening to me?" Luna says.

"Um... Sorry, I was just thinking. What did you say?" I ask her and she rolls her eyes.

"I said that the man who turned you is caught and he's in a special prison for vampires."


She stops in front of a door and unlocks it. She steps inside and I follow her.

The room is small and there are two beds at the two sides of the room. In the left side the bed is messy and bigger. At the night stand is lying a big white cat who grows when I touch her big fur. There is a big wardrobe too. In the right side there is a smaller bed, a night stand and a smaller wardrobe. That have to be my side.

" This is your room." Luna says. "Your side is the right and your roommate will be here to welcome you soon. This is your key for the room." She gives me a small key "And this is your schedule"

"Thanks" I say while getting the key and the schedule.

" Oh, I almost forgot!" She gives me a red moon necklace like hers but smaller.

"What's that for?" I get the necklace.

"This is your key for the school and a symbol of the vampires too." She says and goes to the door.

Yay! Now I have a symbol of the vampires. I'll throw up!

"Goodbye Lissa, see you at history!" She says with a smile on her face.

" Bye, Luna!" I give her a fake smile as she closes the door.

I sit on the bed and think about tomorrow. I look at the schedule and see that the vampire history is the last class. I like history but this is different. This is vampire history. Actually when I think about it it sounds very interesting.

The door opens and a girl with long blonde hair and green eyes comes in with a boy with brown curly hair and green eyes. He looks hot but I'm not interested in him.

The girl looks at me and says rudely " Hi, I'm Calista, your roommate." Calista? Why the names here are so strange?

"Hi, I'm Elissa" I say with the same rude tone. Why is she so rude?

The boy doesn't seem to notice me and sits on her bed. He wears a black T-shirt and black jeans and Calista wears a short dark blue dress.

" You don't know much about this school, do you?" She says rudely again. I think that if I'm nice she'll be nicer too.

"No, I don't know anything." I say nicely and they laugh. Why?

"This school is for vampires." She starts and the boy laugh again. " Some vampires have talents like me and Harry, who has the powerful talent." I wonder if I have a talent. "Here we study vampire things like how to be a vampire and others. Here we don't have grades. The school starts at midnight and finishes at six a.m. Lunch is at three a.m."

"What?" I yell " How do they expect to go to school at midnight?" This school is so strange!

"Now you are a vampire, dearie. You are awake at night and asleep at day." Harry suddenly speaks with his raspy and deep voice.

"Oh..." Is all I say. I don't know what happens to me but his voice is so... And it has some effect on me. This feeling is so strange that I can't describe it. And all that from his voice? I suddenly blush from nothing...

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