Chapter 2: Brutux

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Chapter two: Brutux

Who knew ? Maybe a god was watching over him?

Well, if there was, they clearly hated him.

Drawing his sword, Sheriff took a couple steps back, these things were scarily fast. He plunged the weapon into the torso of the closest Gasmite, the torso was the weakest point on the mutant. He had to learn that the hard way. The mutant dissipated into nothing more than harmless gas; how it did that when parts of it were completely solid, he'd never know. Unless he met like- some kind of scientist. Anyways! Back to the fight, he'd rather not die to a couple Gasmites. Sheriff managed to stab another Gasmite before he was backed up into a corner. While he could shoot them it'd take a bit to unclip it from his belt and by the time, he did the Gasmites would've noticed and killed him. He needed a distraction something that'd give him enough time to unclip the pistol from his belt something like... a pole?

A single pole sat there, lodged into the ground. If he grabbed it, he could probably throw it at one of the Gasmites; it'd provide a distraction and he'd be able to get his pistol and take out the remaining Gasmites. Sheriff shrugged to himself, if it doesn't work at least he tried.

Sheriff Gripped the end of the pole and pulled at it, almost falling backwards when it came out easier than expected. The Gasmites paused their advances, curious as to what the man was doing; Sheriff took this opportunity to throw the pole at the closest mutant, the pole landed in its eye and it quickly dissipated into the air; pole clattering to the ground drawing the attention of the remaining Gasmites who inspected the now empty spot curiously. Sheriff took this time to unclip the pistol, only slightly fumbling with it. By now the Gasmites had turned their attention back to him, Sheriff raised a shaky hand up to one of the Gasmites (Why was he shaking? There wasn't any reason to). Sheriff stared into the beady red eyes of the Gasmite it felt like it was burning holes into his soul, ebbing away at the last of his humanity. He was about to pull the trigger when red hot pain shot up his arm, making him drop the ground and clutch it with his now free hand (the pistol lay somewhere beside him, discarded.) Tears pricked in the corner of his eyes and static filled his ears, this seemed like the worst of these sparks of pain he's had so far.

'Shit, shit, shit. Why now of all times!?' Sheriff thought, panic creeping up on him slowly. Despite it though he couldn't help but stare at his arm, he always did. The sparking and crackling of the green 'lightning' as he called it never failed to interest him, maybe it was because it reminded him of past mistakes, maybe it was because it told him what he was becoming, just something about it interested him.

When the pain finally subsided and he could think clearly again Sheriff looked back up cautiously, curiously. The Gasmites hadn't used his moment of weakness to attack him, so what had-


They weren't...there anymore. Strange, did they leave? He would've heard them, wouldn't he? (Then again, the static that had filled his ears was pretty loud). Maybe... someone killed them? That'd be bad actually. Because if someone had killed them, they would've noticed the whole arm thing. Regardless, they were gone, and he could focus on what was important: getting the stone back from Shooter.

Carefully, Sheriff stood up, extending his arms out to steady him, legs having gone numb from being sat on for a while. When he was sure he wouldn't fall over, Sheriff walked over to his discarded duffel bag and picked it up; searching around to see if anything else had been stolen. Thankfully, nothing had. He threw the bag over his shoulders and glanced around, trying to figure out which direction Shooter had gone in. Wait was someone hiding behind that pile of junk? - OH! Tracks from his bike!... he didn't even realise it was gone. Anyways! Sheriff followed the tracks with his eyes and grimaced as he finally figured out where Shooter had gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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