The pond :]

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This is bombs pov now have fun!!!!

Bomb remembers about the "date" with oj, and he starts getting ready.

Bomb: I ha-have to get r-ready for our d-d-date!!!

Bomb starts getting ready!!! Ofc he puts on his fav sweater (it's hello kitty cause like why not)  Bomb then grabs his bag and puts all the stuff he needs in it before he walks out the door and goes to the duck pond. While doing that, he grabs his phone and starts texting Pickle

Explosion: Yo Pickle, whatcha doing???

SowerPower: Oh, nothing muuucchh. Anyways, how was that date with Oj ;]

Explosion: IT WASN'T A DATE!!!

SowerPower: Aight, sorry, LOL-

Explosion: I'm going to the duck pond with Oj if you and your bf Knife wanna come :]

SowerPower: First of all me and Knife are just friends. And second, we are too busy

Explosion: Busy with what???? Making out???

SowerPower: Oh, shut up!! I need to go help Paper build his garden and Knife is working on his baking skills.

Explosion: Oh, okay!! Anyways I'm here now!!!! Txt ya later!!!

SowerPower: Alright!!!

Bomb puts his phone away before spotting Oj feeding the ducks!!

Bomb: Oh hey, Oj!!!!

Oj: Oh, hello, Bomb!

Bomb: You l-look v-ver-very n-nice today :]

Oj: Oh, thanks, Bomb! You also look very nice :]

Bomb: Oh y-yeah! I br-br-brought some bread to feed the ducks :]

Oj: Oh, cool!!! Wanna go feed em now??

Bomb: Su-Sure!!

They go to feed the ducks, and while that happens, Bomb rambles about his favorite water plants, and such! Bomb also spots a willow tree and has an idea

Bomb: H-Hey Oj?

Oj: Yeah?

Bomb: W-Wanna go over to the w-w-w-wi-willow tree o-over there?

Oj: Oh sure!!

Bomb and oj head over to the willow tree. Oj spots a bench and hurries over and sits down :]

Bomb: H-Hey, wait f-f-for me!!!!

Oj: Sorry, slowpoke!!!

Bomb actually reaches the bench, and he tries to think about his idea and if it's a good one. But Oj asks him something that answers his question for him.

Oj: H-Hey Bomb..?

Bomb: Yeah?

Oj: Do you like me...?

Bomb looks at Oj and is so surprised, but he answers honestly.

Bomb: I d-d-do.

Oj: Really???

Bomb: Yeah...!

Oj: Oh, that makes me so happy :]

Oj looks around and gets an idea

Oj: Hey Bomb?

Bomb: Y-Yes O-O-Oj?

Oj then kisses Bomb, smiles, and blushes a bit.
Bomb just turns red, the color red, and looks flabbergasted

Bomb: O-Oj.. W-W-Wa-Was that b-by a-a-acc-accident..?

Oj: Nope, just wanted to kiss you :]

Bomb starts giggling like a little girl, this is too long, so, they just hangout for a few and enjoy the view before going to Oj's house and cuddling on the couch while watching Hello Kitty.

Gayasses, being Gayasses. [425 words]

Citrus Explosion (BombXOj)Where stories live. Discover now