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Its just another day at work the only hing that isnt normal is the lack of Spencer Reid in the office. You sit down at your chair a bit upset because Spencer isnt hear talking to you about random shit he reads. like the time he told you that the maker of Pinoccohio actualy had a fetish for noses.

 It was kind of weird and random but it made you laugh. You look over at JJ who is now in Morgans chair spinning around because she has nothing to do and you and her where the only ones there. 

"Hey JJ wear are the boys?" you ask as you play with your hands anxious because You wear stressed all week and Spencer has been sleeping over at your house calming you down. even if he sleeps in the quest room at night its just the thought that he is there with  you.

 "oh they left this morning to go on a case they should be back in a couple of hours. why? do you miss Spencer?" JJ teases you because yesterday when Spencer had to go home to get stuff for the trip you never knew about, you called JJ because you and her are best friends and you tell her almost everything. you smile and look down. 

"be quiet JJ..and yes i never away from him for more than like thirty be honest hes tall little teddy bear that has thease lips that he always bites and it just oh fuck it just makes my heart melt. and i know he knows that it turns me on because he keeps doing it while he looks at me!" JJ smiles at your comment. 

"yeah i mean it kind of gets some other girls before you came but he didnt know it made them either horny or just happy." JJ says with a smile. JJ then gets a phone call. She picks up the phone and puts it to her ear. "hello this is JJ how can i he-" JJ gets cut off by Spencer asking to talk to you. 

"jesus kid- yes you can talk to them!! hold on!' JJ looks at you and points to the phone. "its Spencer he wants to talk to you" JJ says and you quickly get up and walk over to JJ and picks up the phone. "Spence??" You say smiling. "

Y/N!! Hii how did you sleep last night? im sorry i wasnt there i had to go on a trip for a misson im sure JJ told you.." Spencer says as Morgan Talks in the background. "I slept fine. i kinda missed you though..when are you coming back..?" you say frowning. 

"I will bw there in two hours we are on the plane right now darling dont worry. i will be there soon." Spencer says as he tells Morgan to shut up. You smile. "ok Spencer well i miss you so much call me when you land ok?" You say as you look at JJ who is now fan girling. 

"Alright darling i will see you soon." spencer says then hangs up.

 You then put the phone down and giggle. "omh i love him so much JJ!!!" You say smiling and shaking. " i can tell Y/N!! Your shaking!!' JJ says as she smiles. You sigh then go sit back down at your desk and start filling out paper work as JJ tells you random stuff about missions. A couple hours later you get a call.

 You dont know the number but you pick it up any ways. "hello this is Y/N how can i help you?" You say in your work voice witch is way diffrent then your normal voice. 

"AH yess i would like a plaine black coffee but putt sugar in the bag and i would also like a pretty partner that has red hair green eyes and a really pretty smile and knows hw to fight." SPencer says as he walks in to the office with his phone up to his ear smiling. 

"wha-" You say then see Spencer and hang up then get up and run over to him and hug him.

 "Jesus fuck spencer!!! i missed you!" You say with a smile on your face. Morgan. Hotch, Garcia and Gibson all walk past you to there desks. "I missed you too darling.' Spencer says as you and him both let go of each other. 

"Oh no no please keep hugging this is a very nice romantic sence right hear. " Morgan says as he smiles. "oh shut up at least i can rember my lovers name." Spencer says as he flips off Morgan. "Hey thats not fair!" Morgan says as he flips spencer off back. "ok Kids settle down. " Hotch says as he sits down.

 You and Spencer go sit down at your desks smiling at each other. "Did you like my phone call?" spencer says with a smile. 

"yes i did spencer i very much did and i also love your smile right now but we need to get back to work." You say with a smile and start doing more paper work. Spencer sighs then picks up his pen from the floor and also starts doing paper work as well as JJ. Hotch, Morgan. And Gibson.

 You and Spencer are still smiling as spencers feet play with yours under both of the desks because under theres no board blocking the space between the two desks.  "Spencer Y/N stop playing footsies." Morgan says with a cocky smile while he looks down at his paper work.

 Spencer gets up and goes over to the big white board that his behind JJ so now every one can see it.

 "I think we are missing something from this new case i just read. the profile says that the Female is Schizophrenic but the way she behaved when she murderd thoes people. That was rage and not that she is being mentally forced by the "demons" she claims she sees and hears. and i am not saying she is faking her illness at all. i just that the reason that she killed her son and her husband was because of rage." SPencer says as he writes stuff on the white board. 

"wait so you think that she was angry about some thing so she got triggerd and she killed her husband and son?" Morgan says ad he puts his feet on his desk and listens to Reid. EVry one else looks over at Spencer to Listen. 

"Not exactly. i Think that Her husband Did do something like lets says her husband cheated on her mulitiple times and she knew but didnt want to get a divorce because she wanted her three year old son to have a father. so She finally had enough she got upset and she Triggerd thoes voices that now told her to kill her family." Spencer says and writes more stuff on the board. You get up and walk over to the board. 

" i think he may be a bit off because the way the writing on the wall says the devil made me do it. like in the movie the conjuring. The little boy got possesd and killed his family." You say. 

"but the woman wasnt possesd there is and was never any murders that say it was caused by possesion." Spencer says as he looks at you.

 "Hun i never said she was possesd by a demon. i said the writeing on the wall said the deil made me do it. so she could be seeing the devil when she gets triggerd but the blood on the wall wasnt fresh. 

it was from at least three mounths ago because it was black. its rotten and old. The reason why she killed her husband was because yes he did cheat on her like the neighbors said but the thing that they didnt tell you was that the husband would also abuse her.

 And there is a type of PTSD that envoles seeing and hearing things. she has PTSD because of her husband beating her. So when the last time the husband hit her she saw stuff and heard stuff so that made her kill her husband. SO its Not schizophrenia. Its PTSD." You say with a smile. "shit Y/N- i think you just bout smarted Spencer-" MOrgan says to you with a smile. "yeah yeah what ever."


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