the red means i love you~

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(this story will have murder ad very detailed gore parts. the story is that your a yandere also please listen to the song called the red means i love you by madds buckley)

Gideon walks out of his office and down the stairs then over to the white board. Gideon sticks up six pictures of women and men who got there neck, wrists, and thighs cut open. "Fiffteen  people who have been murderd in a week.

 there necks wrists and thighs cut open." Gideon say as he put every picture in the right place. "fiffteen in a week??" Morgan says as he is now looking at the white board. Every one turns to the white board. 

"all fifteen of the victims were found under a bridge. everytime theres some thing new written on the side of the bridge with blood." Gideon says as he puts pictures up of all the pictures of the writtings. Spencer gets up and starts to read the things on the pictures. "wait. th-that one." Spencer says then points to a picture of a saying on the bridge. 

"th-that one says my name. It says 'the red means i love you Spencer Walter Reid' That says my full name." Spencer says then looks at every one. "Thats why im showing you. And its happing hear." Gideon says. "Wait. the unsub. they are quoteing from a song." JJ says then gets up and walks over to the board as Gideon and Spencer back away. 

JJ starts putting all the pictures the the right son form. "unusual. they say strange fascination, infatuation. a lunitic.  call me what suits your taste  i just want to taste. and i have always heard its whats the inside that counts." JJ reads the first Picture. 

"because my insides are red and yours are to and the red on my face is matching you. and goodness your bleeding what a wonderfull feeling. your down and your pleading my head is just reeling. the red means i love you. tasteing your blood means i love you the red means i love you the red means i love you. they say such a shame i turned out this way. a maniac well yeah i get manic when i cause a panic." Spencer says the rest of the song as he runs over to his desk and calls Garcia.

 "And thats creepy that he knows that-" Morgan says as Garcia picks up the phone. "your local female google how can i help you?" Garcia says. "Hey Garcia you know the song your sister sang all the time before we caught her for killing people because she loved a guy?" Spencer asks as he puts garcia on speaker.

 "oh yes i do pretty boy. its call the red means i love you by madds Buckly." Garcia says proud of herself. "thanks Garcia." Spencer says then hangs up. "There was a case me and Garcia worked on before. it was her sister that would kill people for the one person she loved. The sister told us that she would kill any one and every one for this man. and we didnt think she was lieing to us." Spencer says.

 "well looks like Garcias siter made some yandere friends." Morgan says. "Uhm Gideon there was another murder." A person says walking up to Gideon. 

"Shit ok team lets go check it out. Spencer and JJ go to the all the crime sences. Morgan and Elle come with me to check this one out" Gideon says as he grabs all of his stuff and walks out with everyone. Later With Spencer and JJ. "so do you think that the Unsub is killing for me??" Spencer asks JJ in a scared but weirded out way.

 "oh yeah your full name was in five of the fiffteen pictures. And you said you knew the whole song so the unsub might know you." JJ says as she looks at the bridge. "Hey uh Gideon called said that he wants us to the crime sence ASAP" Spencer says then JJ and Spencer run to the car and drive to were every one is.

 Once they get there they get out to meet morgan. "unsub used your name again but this time they wrote two things on seprate parts of the bridge." Morgan says as Him Spencer and JJ walk to the side of the bridge that only says. 

"love me Dr. Spencer walter Reid." It says it over and over and over again. "now do you think they are obsessed with you?" JJ says to Spencer as the walk to the other part of the bridge that says the same line like last time.

 "cause my insides are red and yours are too and the red on my face is matching you. and goodness your bleeding your down and your pleeding my head is just reeling. the red means i love you" Spencer says reading the wall. After every one goes back to the office Spencer is at his desk when Morgan comes up to him.

 "we found the unsub. there in the talk room right now if you want to talk to them."Morgan says then Spencer quickly gets up and runs with morgan to the talk room. 

"I want to talk to them gideon." Spencer says to Gideon. " Alright but be carefull." Gideon says then spencer opens the door to the room and sits down. 

"oh hello~ Its the famous Spencer reid~" You say with a very blood thirsty smile. Spencer looks at the file that is yours. "y/n it is correct??" Spencer asks playing along with your energy. "It was but i would love for you to call me something else~" you say with a smile. "and what would you like me to call you?" Spencer says. You lean forward into the desk and you mouth "call me kitten~" You mouth so the camreas cant hear you. 

"well y/n we know you killed thoes Sixteen people. why?" Spencer says and yiu bang your chains against the desk. "baby i did it for you~ like you asked me to~" You say with a smile. "what are they talking about?? Spencer would never tell any one to kill for him." Morgan says to Gideon. "well if i told you to stop killing for me would you stop?" Spencer says. "oh of course baby~ i only listen to the person who owns my heart of course~" You say looking at the camreas. 


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