You're my Blue.

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Love is Red,
And so is the Rose,
But, What if I told you,
That you're my Blue?

The sun had settled far on the horizon, shading the whole sky with a tangy-orange hue. The clouds were proudly showing off their golden dress making every bird chirp in admiration.

"Tell me more.."

Liam embraced Niru with a big bear hug from behind, and wasn't trying to get away anytime soon.

Liam and Niru were spending some time together in their apartment. They were talking about random things and it ended up with Niru telling Liam about colours.

If Niru goes by the definition then it would be simple and short.

'Colour, the aspect of any object that may be described in terms of hue, lightness, and saturation.'

But, Niru was trying to link the colours with emotions to make Liam understand the colours better.

The golden rays hit Niru's face, giving her a mesmerising golden tint. She roamed her eyes far away from the window pane, staring at the sky with a faint smile.

"The sky is shading colours right now. Can you guess which colour?"

Niru suggested to which Liam trailed off, deep in his thoughts. He had never tried to guess any colour, but had always wondered about the tint, hue and shades of different colours.

What it might be like?
What does it feel like?
Most of all, what does it seem like?

But it was all his theories.
No one tried to know about his opinion and he never dared to share it with others due to his incorrigible fear of embarrassing himself.

In twenty years or so, Niru was the first person who asked him about the colours, fully aware that he wouldn't be able to provide the right answer, although she wasn't even looking for one.
Niru just wanted him to feel.. normal.

"You want to know my thoughts?" Liam asked in utter disbelief.
Niru paused for a while, she turned around to face him and nearly gasped at the beauty.

Liam's face was shining so bright, and warm, but it was his eyes that made her mind spin, and heart palpating again.
His hazel-brown eyes were giving the clouds a tough time with its beauty. The sun's rays fell on his eyes and it was as if the whole earth flashed with tints of browns and golden-yellows with sprinkles of gold.

It's like she was falling for him all over again.

"Yes.. tell me, what colour you painted the sky in your mind?"
Niru lovingly pecks his lips, making his cheeks tinted with a marvellous shade of pink.

"I.. always thought the sky was no ordinary colour, it wouldn't be plain, and dull. When it rains, I think of every emotion I feel- cold, relaxed, and sometimes scary too..."

Niru smiled a bit and held his hands, intertwining their hands as she speaks

"When it rains.. it's exactly how you described it. Cold and scary.. the shades of white mixed with dark."

Liam nodded, grinning from ear to ear.

"But now... The sun had settled far on the horizon..." Niru trailed off as an idea popped up, and she immediately pulled him more towards the window and opened it wide.
"Can you feel it?"

Niru added again and she lightly traced out his face where the golden rays fell. Like a fragile piece of art, she carefully stroked away a few strands of hair and tucked it behind his ears.

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