ch2- before

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Warning: some serious topics

Y/n was 10 years old

When it happened

"MOM!!! I'M GONNA BE LATE FOR MY PLAY!!!" Y/n yelled with a hint of stress of her voice. "I'm c-coming darl-ling" her mom stuttered with fear in her.  voice. "OK!" y/n said. She went to the bathroom to see herself in an Angel costume. She saw her hair is a bit messed up so she tried to fix it but couldn't. "MOM, CAN YOU HELP ME FOR A BIT!" She yelled out for her but no response."MOM!!" she yelled for her again, yet no response. Y/n was a bit annoyed and was about to leave the restroom till her stepdad opened to door and stopped her. "Hey y/n, your mom is still getting ready... I'll drop you off rn so you won't be late." His tone was serious but with a bit of a neverous tone. "W-well what about mom?" She asked with worrying about her mom. She looked up at her dad hoping for his answer while her dad ignored her and to get into the car.

She walked towards the passenger seat and open the door to see a young woman there. They both locked eyes, shocked. Y/n looked confused while the lady was nervous. "Ma'am... Can you get out of my seat please." Y/n scolded her. "Y/n, this is Emelia... She's your uhh ... My coworker!"her dad who was suddenly behind her spoke up. Emelia looked at her and nodded. She has brown long silky brown hair. Looks like she's bearly in her 20's. I little taller than average. Bearly any wrinkles. Puts a lot of makeup but not heavily. She's dress up up with a dark read skinny dress and so expensive high highs. "Y-yes, i am Emelia and I'm his coworker. Here to see your play. Aren't you excited?!!" She said with a happy tone. She was but not anymore. "Yeah sure." She mumbled and talk towards the back seat.

Y/n may be 10 but doesn't mean that she's stupid. She was suspecting something between her dad and Emelia but put the puzzles together. But still is suspecting about her mom. Her mom never takes a lot of time to put on makeup, she does her makeup up lightly. The lady seemed nervous to meet y/n... Dad was nervous too. Mom was quite. Too quite. Why would he invite his coworker and leave without mom. Why is she sitting in mom's seat.

Dad's cheating.

But why

Is mom too old? They're the same age. Did dad lose feelings for her? Was the lady just randomly seems to be 'too pretty'. Was i the problem? Was it because of me.

I wanted to cry but i kept a straight face on so i dont seem to be crying "randomly". I looked at my dad and noticed something.


Some small blood stains on his white button down shirt.

I decided to keep it silent.

(Julia)" you sure i should do this? God?" She holds up a dagger ready to cut her lover's torsal.

(Henry) "JULIA!! PLEASE NO!! PLEASE" he cries as he was tied down because 'god told Julia to'.

('God') "yes, there for, once he's dead...all of your sins shall be cured." He said with a smirk. Standing behind Julia

(Henry)" Julia, i need you to listen to me .... That i-is not g-god. Julia please... don't listen to him" he cried and he was shaking trying to escape the ropes' grip.

(Julia) "Henry... I'm sorry, there for...i have sinned." Tears rolling down her cheeks as she begins to sob

(Henry) "JULIA NO-" she's stabbed him. Cut him open and he started screaming due to pain.

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