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Turning around to her confused face Derrick felt his heart beat faster. He had been praying for a chance to get to talk to her. She was the only girl who didn't drool over him. But she always avoided him. Which made him more eager to get to know her

"uhm hey Rachel. How you
feeling? "he asked as he approached her bed side.

" fine. Wait you're the brake failing, speeding maggot? "the words were already out before she could stop herself.

"well you're right about the brake failing and the speeding but I am definitely not a maggot" Derrick said. He was rather amused than angry. First she avoids me now she calls me a maggot? Wow I am definitely getting to know her. If she let's me.

"am sorry that came out wrong.shit Rachel said in her head. Here he was standing before her, the boy of her dreams, the one who filled her thoughts every single day, and the one she was hoping to be perfect for so she could stop running away every time she saw him and she had called him a maggot. " Not a great first impression" Rachel thought out loud

"am sorry didn't catch that "

" uhm no I was just... Say.. Ing that am fine.
"Oww ! "Rachel looked up at Kathryn who was now giving her the death glare.

" look like I have been trying to explain to your mother, I didn't mean for that to happen I swear. I would never do anything to hurt you" Rachel had been half listening until she heard that last sentence. Looking to meet his greenish blue eyes she caught a gasp in her throat when she saw how sincere they were. She felt butterflies deep down her stomach and she couldn't help but smile

God she has the most breathtaking smile I have ever seen. Derrick thought to himself. From the moment he entered the room he had been so unsure of what reaction to expect from the girl who treated like he didn't even exist. He definitely didn't see that smile coming.



"sorry you go first. "

" look I know you didn't mean that and frankly you're not totally at fault for me being here. Apparently I was dehydrated so I had no energy to withstand the push and just blacked out. So you are partly at fault"

"whew" Derrick sighed out loud

"am still very sorry. In order not to let such a thing happen to you again, I volunteer to walk you to school everyday "Derrick said. He would use this method to get to know the girl who has been occupying his thoughts

" uh.... I.. "

" she has me. We always walk to school together. Well anytime her mom didn't insist on taking her." Kathryn replied staring daggers at Derrick.

Whoa she has got to chill. What's wrong with her. Rachel thought as she was puzzled by her friends hostility. Hello! Not being a great best friend duh..

"we could always walk together. I tell the best jokes I promise."



"yes doctor will do... Thank you for your time "all eyes turned on dianne who was entering the room.

" apparently you will be here for a week at most so am gonna go change and get you some stuff. Uh Kathryn do you mind coming with me I could sure use your help "

" okay ma'am. Anything for my squishy squishy pod" Kathryn said as she placed a wet kiss on Rachel's face.

Wow that girl can change moods faster than you can say mood. Corny I know. But its true.

"And now we are officially alone"...

DEAR RACHELWhere stories live. Discover now