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Naruto's pov

I'm overwhelmed with emotion as today is Airis first birthday. The sentiment of the occasion makes me remember the day I found out I was pregnant. I was so young and alone. My boyfriend of 3 years had just cheated on me. I remember assif it was yesterday, catching Shikamaru kissing and groping a woman when I opened the door to his house to suprise him. I was hurt but, more than anything, I wanted him to give me some sort of explanation that could make me forgive him. I would've taken him back in the blink of an eye if he'd just have made up an excuse, but he didn't. Instead, he said the words I was afraid of most in the world - 'I'm sorry Naruto, it's over.'

That moment broke me. Shikamaru was all I had, deep down I knew he didn't love me but I did whatever I could to make him stay. I would've done anything to be with him, to not be alone. After my parents died, he was all I had. My only family, my only friend. But, I meant nothing to him. Thinking about this caused my eyes to well with tears but I didn't want to ruin the  memory of my daughters first birthday by crying over a distant ex.

I began sleeping around with anyone who showed the slightest interest in me. I just needed to feel wanted even if it was just for a night. I used sex as an escape from my parents death and newfound loneliness. Of course, somewhere along the line I ended up getting pregnant by one of the randos I'd been sleeping with. Only God knows who the father is, I'd never spent more than a night with either one of them.

I was sitting in my conservatory when I had my first bout of morning sickness. Immediately, I suspected I was pregnant and ran to get tested. My result was positive. I went through so many emotions. At first I was angry, I remember resenting myself for being born an omega. Why couldn't I have sex without getting so high on alpha pheromones that I barely remembered the face of the guys I'd slept with the night before?Maybe if I could remember what the father looked like, he'd pity me and start a relationship with me for the sake of the child is what I thought. I realised how stupid that was, he'd obviously just send me away and tell me to abort it. Then, I realised I was carrying a child within me, just like my mother carried me inside of her. This was a wake up call to me, I wasn't alone anymore. I had someone who would eventually need me as much as I need them. Someone who would never leave.

These were my initial feelings when I learned I was pregnant. Looking back, all my motives for keeping Airi were selfish. I didn't want to be alone so I brought a child into this world who would never be able to have a relationship with her father. How cruel. I realised this the moment I went into labour. I was overcome with so much pain and worry, not knowing whether I would make it out alive. In that moment all I hoped for was my child to not have to suffer the fate of being alone in this world. I finally understood what it meant to love someone so much you worry about them before yourself. I finally understood what it meant to be a mother.

I named her Airi, which means love, because she taught me what it means to truly love someone. Over time she has taught me what it means to love living and to love myself. She is the best gift the world has ever given me and one day I hope to meet the man who helped create this gift, simply to thank him. I realise I owe him that much as I've acted so selfishly up until now.

Airi pulled me away from my thoughts by jumping onto my lap.
" I wuv you" she said in the cutest voice I've ever heard.
She's amazing, she can tell when I'm getting upset or lost in thought and even though she's only 1 she's much smarter and more proficient in her vocabulary than other kids her age. She has beautiful ruby red eyes that I've never seen anywhere before. Sometimes, I can't believe she's my child at all because this is a dominant alpha in the making if I've ever seen one.

"I love you too baby" I responded as I showered her with kisses and tickled her whilst she giggled.

I dressed Airi up to go to the park so we could do something fun on her birthday. I feel bad that I can't regularly take Airi to public places like regular mums because of the fact I'm the most popular male omega actress in Japan. My popularity certainly took a hit when I was pregnant as I went into hiding, not wanting to ruin my reputation by being pregnant outside of marriage. Becoming this big in the acting game was already hard enough for me as male omegas are very rare and are seen as promiscuous since a lot of alphas flock to them.

I was able to return to acting scandal free a couple months after giving birth, saying that I took the year off to recover from my parents death which nobody questioned but it has been difficult keeping Airis existence a secret and balancing my intense career, even with the help of nannies.

I wore a black hat to hide my distinct yellow hair and black sunglasses to hide the ocean blue eyes that I was famous for. I also wore a baggy hoodie and joggers to hide the shape of my body. The disguise was a bit much but I didn't want fans or paparazzi to spot me with Airi.

The closest park was a long walk away from the gated community we lived in, but I didn't want to drive my model Y Tesla as it would only draw unnecessary attention to me so I decided to walk anyways.

By the time we got to the park I was exhausted from the long walk combined with all the layers of clothing I was wearing in hot weather but I didn't want to ruin Airis birthday so I pushed through.

"Swingsss" she gestured towards the swings but they were already full.
"Ah, the swings are full up right now. Let's go on the slide first"  I suggested.
"No. I want swings." She defied and began pouting. There was something about her red eyes... I could never say no to them, especially not on her birthday.
If Airi wants to use the swings, Airi gets to use the swings.

I noticed there was only one other kid in the park. There were 2 swings and one of them was being occupied by a lazy adult who couldn't be bothered to get up and push his child properly. I pulled Airi into my arms and she lay her head on my chest as we marched over to the swings, ready for battle if necessary.

"Excuse me sir, it's my daughters birthday today and she really wants to use that swing. Since you seem to not be using it do you mind..."

"She can wait." I was abruptly cut off by the rude, broad and black haired gentleman sitting on a kiddy swing. For goodness sake...

He had his back to me so I couldn't see his, no doubt, ugly face. Nobody tells my baby to wait. Not even me. Now I'm pissed.

"Get off the fucking swing. Your a grown man. Nobody tells my baby to wait. If you don't get off this swing right now I'll push your son so high off his swing he'll land on the other side of Japan. Let's see if he'll survive tha..."

"Just try it." Growled the black haired man as he began releasing submitting pheromones. I was already so exhausted from the walk I started to lose my balance. That fucking bastard. Who releases pheromone's over a fucking kiddy swing? Eugh. I guess this is what happens when you threaten innocent kids.

"Mummaaaa, mummaaa!!!" I could faintly hear Airi screaming for me as I began falling. She was in my arms so I tried my best to hold onto her and keep her safe but in the end the black haired man took her from me as I fell to the ground. Is that bastard stealing my child?  This was the last thought I had before completely blacking out.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2023 ⏰

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