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Evangeline could only stare at the table.
What the fuck just happened?! No, seriously! What?!
The most gorgeous high femme goddess of a woman had just stumbled into her arms, gave her the most panty-soaking gaze of absolute desire, gripped her arm like letting go might kill her, and then said her name like it was magic. Except it wasn't Evangeline's name. It wasn't even her nickname. That had startled her, and apparently the goddess had noticed. And proceeded to freak out at her mistake before throwing money on the table and fleeing. Leaving everything but her date.
Literally everything.
Evangeline was staring at a rather pricey smartphone and the type of purse that would be stolen even if she handed it to the authorities. Beside her, Janice was counting the money.
"Holy fucking shit, Eva!"
"She overpaid."
"Maybe it's a tip? She did say it was the best food she ever had."
"A tip that's over a thousand?!"
So... either she really likes my cooking, or... nope, it makes no sense at all.
"Shit! Alright, just... round up to whatever the nearest hundred is and mark the difference as tips for you and me to split, the rest will go back in the purse and I'll take it to her in the morning, okay?"
"What is she, your girlfriend or something?"
Normally Eva would roll her eyes at Janice's jokes. It was just their version of a bromance. Two butch badasses who were sadly single but working in the perfect place to meet the kind of women they both wanted to meet. Janice was interested in most femmes and futches, as long as there was no way someone else could actually compete. But Eva didn't actually care where on the appearance/style spectrum they fell. She did have a huge weak spot for the sort of high femmes that clearly could be a domme.
This mystery woman was something beyond her wildest fantasies. And she had left everything she dearly needed at the table after getting so attractively flustered and laying the blame half on the amazing food and half on whatever she had seen when she looked at Eva that made Eva want to run to her locker for her change in clothes. Panty-soaking had not been hyperbole. Eva was just grateful that her uniform was able to hide how wet she had actually gotten when that goddess had stared at her. But no, she hadn't missed the beautiful pageant queen watching the exchange with a clear possessiveness.
"Did you not see that she was on a date with a girl you'd hit on if her date hadn't outclassed everyone in the fucking universe?! I don't know the woman, but hey... look at that, she left her phone, purse, and wallet. All things that could help me at least find her."
Just to sort out what exactly had happened to make the woman freak out. That was all. No other reason. It wasn't like she thought she had a shot with someone like that. True, the woman had given her a look that no one in the world could mistake as anything other than raw desire. And Eva had already found herself wondering if the woman might have been from the same country as her mother's parents, because her skin tone and base accent were nearly identical though the goddess seemed a bit more travelled in her pronunciation. Like she might have spent her entire life travelling the globe and going to the best schools, before getting kicked out for some outrageous scandal that went on to fill the pages of romance novels. But that was all it was... curiosity. Nothing else, because what else could even happen?
"—if it was anyone else, Jones."
Eva blinked. She had missed something important if Janice was using her last name.
"Sorry, I didn't hear you."
"I was saying that you should at least make sure you tell the boss first, because he would call the police on your perfect ass if you were anyone else. Seriously, Eva... stop mooning over some woman and get your act together."
"Like you're one to—"
But Janice cut her off by holding up her mirrored waiting tray. Eva's voice—and all thought except for panic—died as she saw her reflection. She was blushing. Not just a little either. It would only have made sense if she had been laying exhausted in a mess of sheets after—
Eva had to look away. Just the thought of how she looked made her imagine how exactly she typically would have been made to blush like that. And if it wasn't bad enough that she looked exactly like she had marathoned with the goddess, she had learned from her parents that this particular blush didn't dissipate easily or quickly. Not unless she did something not exactly healthy or fun. But what other option did she have? With a devastated groan, she packed up the goddess's purse and handed it to her friend.
"Take the shit to my locker, and cover for me for ten minutes?"
"What are you going to do?"
"You don't want to know, trust me."
As she spoke, Eva started off towards the only place that would help. She unbuttoned her chef's smock and pulled the clip out of her hair letting it's length fall to just glance at the back of her thighs. And that was with her braided sections and her natural waves and curls. She avoided the kitchen path because with her loose locks, she was a walking hazard. Plus she was technically out of uniform. But she had to be. She needed to feel it if this was going to work. Stopping at the giant metal door, she took a deep breath, and then walked into the industrial freezer.
Once inside she shut the door after making sure it wouldn't lock her in. The space was beyond simply freezing. It was the sort that could go to absolute zero, and yet... Eva felt like she was in a sauna, or a volcano. It was especially hot on her face, her chest, and... well, she wasn't going to deny the woman had turned her on. She had already settled on describing her lingering gaze of desire as panty-soaking so Eva being warm down there just fit. However again... this was an industrial freezer, and the soaking hadn't been figurative at all. And she was having to stay in her for no less than five minutes, and no more than ten. Damn, this was going to suck.
Eva closed her eyes and tried to calm down quickly.
She sighed. It was so close. Too close. It was the name that could have been hers if she hadn't grown up in the Bible Belt. There was just so many jokes about fruit, boys named Adam, and serpents one could take before she decided to specify what her nickname could be when she introduced herself. And she didn't think there was ever a girl who could even dream of becoming in her past when Eve was a possible nickname. Yet there was so much familiarity in how the goddess had said it. So much desire. So much need. Eva felt jealous of whoever was the Eve that made such a gorgeous woman go breathless. But then again, the goddess had been looking at Eva as though she was that Eve. So it wasn't impossible to hope that she was the woman's type. Though it didn't help make her blush dissipate any faster.

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