Chapter 7

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They went back home and just in time claude also came back from office and athy hugged him smiling..

" dad.. Did you had dinner.?" she asked and he nodded a yes.

" I was in meeting with my client  had dinner together.. What about you..?" he asked caressing her head

" hmm.. We went out and had dinner" she said he looked at lucas who parked his bike and walked inside.athy clinged to claude as they walked inside..

Athy and lucas were chatting sitting on the dining table as he is telling her stuffs about school.. Cabel and finston are playing video games sitting on the couch.

" Hi dad..good morning " athy said smiling..claude nodded a yes smiling.

" lucas.. Can you drive a car.?" claude asked

" No uncle.. I didn't had the need to learn" he shrugged..

'They don't speak much but there is some strange connection  between these two poker face guys..' lily thought as she is staring at their interaction smiling

" I think it's good to learn now.. Let's get you a driving license soon, you are at the age now.." claude said.

" ohh lucas you are getting a driving license..?!!" felix asked as he joined them.

"yeah .. Uncle just told me to get one.." lucas said bored.

"cabel.. Do you wanna learn car driving..?" felix shouted and cabel turned back

"ohh.. Car driving.? Of course I want to.." he said smiling bright..

" look.. How come a teenage guy always act like a grandpa..? You should be more active like cabel .." felix said and smiled.

"yeah yeah. you guys are gonna make me drive anyways.." he said staring at claude and he smirked..

" felix.. Prepare for their driving classes.. Do you wanna learn too athy..?" he asked and athy nodded a yes smiling

" then add her too." claude said and felix nodded a yes smiling..

" bye dad.. Love you.. "athy said smiling as she get off the car and waved bye to him as the car moved away..

She entered the class and lucas, cabel, helly no one was there.. She went to her desk and looked around...

" Hii. Athanasia.. " she turned to see some of her classmates staring at her smiling..she smiled back and waved them hii..

When lucas entered the class.. He saw athy was crowded by their classmates and she looked perplexed.. He turned outside and called helena by waving to her..

"what's it lucas..?" she asked as she walked to him..she saw athy and sighed as she walked inside and seperated her from the crowd..

"hey are you OK..? Here drink Some water.?" helly said as they went to cafeteria..

"haah..thanks helly.. you saved me.." she said smiling.

" what's going on there?" she asked

" first, we were just talking and it was going quite well but suddenly they started asking me so many personal questions so I got perplexed.." she said .

" you idiot.. Just say no.. If you don't like anything just say.. N. O. It's easy.. Don't be a pushover athy.. You are so nice.. " helly said hugging athy and athy giggled

" I will try.. "she said smiling..

" athy.. Come with me for a second.. " kiel said as he suddenly dragged athy out with him..lucas and helly stared at them a tick mark appeared on lucas forehead.

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