(chapter 1) ~'Why always me.'~

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'Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, No. no. nah-uh. not doing this again.' ,your thoughts said over and over again, while you were running down the insanely long hallway filled with colours. you, while being all sweaty, were getting chased by the one and only flamingo, Opila Bird. (yes, I know Opila is just a bird but SHUSH LMAO, and yes im skipping the bridge crossing part with the egg search of Opila because it's kinda boring, but it did happen already.)

The reason you were down in the abandoned building, Garten of BanBan (duh), was because you were looking for your daughter. She went missing 2 days ago, but the police couldn't find any lead on her. You knew she loved to go here, especially when she was sad or angry. Sadly it was closed when she turned 5, but it still was worth looking there.

Suddenly, you heard a female voice say: "Hey! In here!". It was suspicious, but it was safer than to be with this weird, demonic, flamingo-like bird.

As you entered the room, it was pitch black. Looking around, you could've sworn something moving in the corner... As your thoughts speeded around once again, the lights turned on, as the room was revealed to be a classroom. There were also 3 tables, 1 with buckets, 1 with bowling balls and 1 with bowling pins. You also noticed that in front of every place/seat, there was cassette-tape-player. 

"Everyone, I'd like you to meet your new classmate! You're late, but since you're new, I'll let it slide! Please sit down at the 'unpopular kids' table!" A female voice suddenly spoke from the corner. Your eyes quickly looked at a white cat?-like mascot. you assumed she was the female voice. 'god damn...' you thought. 'This bitch is ugly...' "I said sit." She spoke again, snapping you out of your what seemed never ending thoughts.

You sat down at the table filled with buckets. Since the chairs were too small for you, your knees were up to your shoulders. "And I thought I finished school..." You mumbled softly, still awkwardly confused. "For the first lesson of today," She began again, "We're gonna learn about math!"

After what felt like forever, Math finally ended. You basically flew up, running to the playground area to get away from the weird cat. "Fuck... I thought I would never see someone shaped like a fucking baseball bat and yet here I am.." You sighed. Looking around, you were greeted with a little playground-like room. Instead of reading the texts on the walls, you were looking for a way to escape.

You saw a vent up the wall. Too high for now, but maybe you could reach it while standing on a table? Before you could plan out any further, Banban called over the speakers: "Attention students, please return to your classroom since your break is over." You figured that if you wanted to escape, you needed to obey the rules.

After the next lesson ended, you grabbed some of the playground materials to access the ventilation system. Carefully, but quickly, you climbed up the furniture, entering the vents. The vents were dark and small, but big enough for you to crawl through. "I'm doing this for (D/N)... and when I find her we're getting the hell out of here." You mumbled to yourself. You heard, which you learned, Banbaleena screaming: "No! don't leave! I actually tried being a good teacher for once! come back!" It was unsettling, but the thing that you just noticed and was even more unsettling to you, was that there wasn't any dust in the ventilation.

What or who could crawl around in here... and maybe... they didn't leave yet.

As you crawled around, you could hear thumping in a different direction. "What is..." You stopped crawling and looked around in a left vent. The thumping became louder and louder as a blue spider-like creature crawled quickly and violently your way. You crawled again and picked up the pace, trying to get away from what you assume was Nabnab.

You didn't notice that at one point there was a vent opening downwards. With the loose screws it could fall easily. The pressure of your body weight on the broken vent was the cherry on the cake for it to make it fall. Your body was now directly on the loose vent when suddenly...

It broke.

It all happened so fast, but you still had some time to scream: "WHY ALWAYS ME!.". With bruised and red knees you fell at least 12 meters downwards. You prayed that the fall wouldn't break anything and with a loud thud you crashed down on something. It was soft and broke your fall, but yet it broke as well, still causing an ounce of pain to crawl on your already injured body.

With your vision blurry, you got up softly. Your head was pumping basically through your skull. As your vision got a bit better, you noticed what you landed on was a soft and red couch. well, was a soft and red couch. Looking around the rood, you noticed that it was a huge office-like room with some fake plants, a desk and a chair. Behind the desk was a massive window that looked into the black abyss beneath it.

You heard a door open from across the room. Peeking around the corner, your eyes laid on a devil-ish figure. He seemed frustrated with something. "No Banbaleena. I told you: 'Don't lose her.', and what happened?" You assumed it was him talking. behind, what you assume again, Banban, stood Banbaleena. "But Principle Banban, she escaped while break! And-" Banbaleena was cut off by Banban. "Find them. And if I get a lame excuse from you again, I'll throw you into the abyss, got that!?" He screamed. 'Damn. This guy's a creep. And are they talking about me?' You thought. "Y-yes Principle Banban..." Banbaleena replied again softly and walked out of the room.

You observed the tall and red devil in your hiding spot as he walked over to his desk and sat down in his chair. He pulled out a small remote control and pressed a red button. From the ceiling, a big TV screen got brought down right in front of Banban. He pressed a few buttons and switched through the camera views, trying to find you. He switched through a camera view in his office, and that's where he noticed something weird behind a plant. He sat up straight and observed it closer. 

He had found his little angel.



WOW-  I'm actually really excited to post this but eh XD I hope you guys liked this! 'Till the next chapter my GOBB lovers!

word count: (1109)

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