Chap. 6 Heading Out

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Author POV:

you finished packing your things as you started heading was lunch time and as you headed for the door you saw a charcoaled colored cat with strange eyes sitting in front of the door...."hi kitty..can you please move so that I can go out?" you asked the cat as the cat just stretched and yawned..."Please move buddy.."

You say as you approach the cat...and the cat just arched its back as it started hissing at you so you back away..." must not want me to leave..." The cat continued to hiss at you as you justice sighed..."I guess fe I'll have to go through the backyard..." You decided to leave the cat alone because you didn't want to bother it and stress it out for no reason...

"Yeah that's right anomaly leave!" Error said as he went back to mad it to the door and unlocked it..." still is pouring outside huh?" you sighed as you pulled up your hoodie from the raincoat and proceeded to walk...but before you could even leave you heard growling, and crashing inside your home..."oh no.." you whispered as you knew that the wolf was probably awake...

you gulped as you slowly opened the door to see the scary wolf growl at you as Dream was standing in front of you...."Brother please lets not fight!" Nightmare just growled at him...."I'm gonna kill you and that!-" He stopped as he glanced up at the human....he noticed something was different about she didn't understand....he then looked at Dream and started getting upset again...."shhhh shhh....i-it's okay....I won't hurt you...see.." Y/n placed down her umbrella and stuff she had in her hand..."l-look...I'm going to go outside o-okay..." She the slowly started heading outside...

Then out of nowhere Nightmare pounced on her....and she just froze up....guess this is the end...why did it have to be this way....but instead of the painful bite y/n was waiting for she just got licks on the face from he got off her and started nudging her side a bit..."what?..." She looked at him and he just sat there looking at her..."pathetic human...can't even protect yourself....and getting all wet for no reason...." She scooted away from him a bit making him growl and move closer to her....

"y-you can leave!" She said as she used her arms trying to protect her Nightmare just licked her hands...."Stars I'm thirsty! let us go inside before I get angry..." He said as he just snarled at her...and she got up..."w-why don't you leave?..." Nightmare just rolled his eyes..."Why do I even try and engage in a conversation when you clearly don't understand me...." He walked just got up and walked inside....y/n slowly approached the door as she looked down at her clothes and shut the door...

"Awww man! raincoat is covered in mud...and so is my pants!...gross....she sighed as she sat down..."jeez...that was intense..." she took off her shoes and turned on the Tv as all of a sudden all the cats were around her brushing their tails on her..."what are you all doing?...." she sighed exhausted about what happened and quite hungry as well....she knew she would have to get up and leave eventually...So she got up and decided to change..."Where's angel going?"

Fell asked as he saw he get up to leave..."maybe to change?....dunno...." Error said as he was clawing the couch...."Error that's very impolite of you!...stop that!" Ink whined as Error just rolled his eye's..."Well I'm bored so I'm gonna go upstairs and don't follow me Ink..." Error said as he was bored of scratching the couch...."Awww but I wanna talk to you about something!"

Error just ignored him as Ink was following him from behind but was stopped by Dream..."Ink I think it's best we leave him be...perhaps you can talk to him latter..." Dream said as he gave him a small smile and Ink just started to whine...."Hey boss? when are we gonna get back to our original form?" Killer said as he was looking around for a knife..."I don't know Killer, but I do hope it will happen soon....or so lord help me...."

Killer just chuckled at Nightmare as he continued to look around for a knife..."Looking for this?" Cross said as Killer whipped his head around to see him holding a knife in his mouth..."yes yes now gimme!" Killer demanded as he approached Cross but Cross just backed away from him....:"Nu-uh! not until you promise me that you won't try and use me as your target!"

Cross said in a mean tone and Killer just frowned..."But that's the whole point...get it?" After Killer said that joke he started laughing hysterically as Cross looked exhausted..."This human seems nice...but not to trustworthy here..." Cross just slide the knife towards him..."and can you quite it with those lame jokes, you've said them about a million times already..."

Cross said as he just rolled his eyes and walked he saw Blue communicating to Dust or at least trying to..."Hello Dust! nice day were having hmm?" Dust just started walking away from him..."uhh yeah I guess...well not really since it's raining and were turned into cats...." Blue just trotted next to him.."Mwhehe! I suppose your right great observation friend!"

Dust just rolled his eyes as he walked away and Blue kept trying to talk too him..."mann that was one of the saddest encounters on trying to even talk to someone I've ever seen..." Cross looked and saw Chara beisde him but he was also a cat which made Cross snicker a bit..."Pfft..." Chara just shrugged at him..."Okay? what I'm a cute furry something about it..."

Chara said rolling his eyes..."Didn't know it affected ghost as well?....strange...." Cross said as he started to wonder what was going to happen....After a few moments go by y/n came back downstairs with new clothes and everything...."Okay I'm heading out don't worry about me okay?" after she said that's she opened the door and left.... Once you left the house the rain continued to pour...

"Oh dear...well this will just be a quick grab and go type of..." You were cut off when you heard meowing coming from a box that was floating down a street..."Oh no! kitty!" you quickly go into the street as you approached the grabbed the box and ran inside and shut the placed the box down gently as the meowing continued. You opened the box slowly as you saw a cat that looked like the grim reaper...

"what the? poor baby..." You picked up the cat as you saw it was soaking wet and shivering..."shhh's okay now..."you grabbed a near by towel and wrapped it around the cat....after a few minutes go by you saw the cat stop shivering as you groaned.."ughh now I have another mouth to feed!...*sigh* oh well..." You carried the cat to the living room as you saw two of the cat's fighting..."hey! no no no! fighting please?..."

you said gently as you place the cat that was still wrapped in a towel on the couch..."now this is your new friend?" You looked to see it it had a collar which it did that said reaper..."Your new friend be nice and don't hurt each-" you froze up as you could here small growling as you felt someone nudge was Nightmare and he seemed to be wanting to be pet...

"o-oh...Nightmare please be nice...." you said as you started petting him..."Okay this is the last time I'm coming back until I get the food from the grocery store....I'm leaving now...As you left, the cats started crowding around reaper as they all eyed him suspiciously...."Umm...hey guys what's up?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2023 ⏰

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